• ~ Forty Seven ~ •

483 9 20

Chapter 47: Miss Fuckup

I got home shaking. It would literally confirm Kit's worry about Josh in the first place. I literally told him this morning to have trust in me.

I started walking towards the door, crying. As I got closer I noticed someone at the door. It was Milo.

"Ah! Alexia! I was just gonna call you- are you okay?"

I wiped my eyes.

"Milo, can I tell you something?"

"Always, what's up?"

I told Milo everything. I told him what happened in the studio and what Kit had said this morning.

"Jesus Lex.."

"Tell me what to do. Please."

"Well, I think you should tell him. Be honest with Kit. But there's also something you need to ask yourself."

"And what's that?"

"Do you still have feelings for Josh?"

Before I could answer, I saw Kit and Joe walking down the hallway.

"Hey Lex. You're back early." He said kissing me on the top of the head.

"Yeah, something came up."

Kit looked at me for a second.

"Have you been crying? Are you okay? Wait Milo, why are you here? I'm so confused."

Milo spoke before I did.

"I don't wanna intrude on your guest so-"

"Milo, you're fine." I said quickly.

Milo was pretty much my only friend. I needed him for moral support.

"Yeah, it's cool. You can hang around. I doubt Joe minds."

"I don't care." Joe said with a smile.

Milo nodded as we all walked into the house. Kit had pulled me into our room quickly.

"Okay, what's up? I know something is up."

"Kit. I did something stupid."

"Okay.. you're freaking me out.."

"Fuck, how do I say this lightly?"


"I kissed Josh. Actually not even just kissed. I almost had sex with him again until I came to the realization."

Kit stood there. Numb. Lifeless.

"Baby, please say something. Anything."



Kit scratched the back of his neck. He looked as if he was gonna burst into tears.


"Kit please say something other than wow. I already feel like shit.."

"Do you have feelings for him?"


"Lex, do you have feelings for him still?"

"No. At least I don't think so."

Kit took a deep breath then went outside.


Milo looked at me from the living room.

"You told him, didn't you?"

"Yeah. I fucked up, Milo."

"Want me to check on him?" Joe asked.

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