• ~ Fifty One ~ •

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Chapter 51: Verge of Death or Tears

"Louis? Why are you bleeding?"

"Please, I need help. I've never asked you for anything."

Louis was bleeding from his stomach. I let him inside.

I moved his hand out of the way.

"Holy shit, Lou.. What the fuck happened?"

I ran over and grabbed some rags.

"Take your shirt off."

Louis did as I said before answering.

"Sienna stabbed me. She said she was taking out everyone from her past. She said she already failed at one."

"I was the one she was trying to kill before hand. Hold on, this is gonna burn.. a lot."

Luckily, his cut wasn't super deep for being stabbed. I could help him right here. I helped him clean up the wound first.

"Fucking hell-"


I looked up at him.

"Why did you choose to come here?"

"Cause you've got a kind heart, and knew you'd help me regardless of our past."

"You're lucky I don't hold grudges."

He chuckled a bit with a wince from the pain.

I used rags and an old wrap to hold pressure on the wound.

"You should be fine for tonight, but you're going to have to go to the ER in the morning. You can stay here tonight if you'd like. I can get some blankets and a pillow from upstairs. Kit and I are going to the hospital in the morning so.."

"Thank you, and Alexia, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Everything. You didn't deserve what I did to you."

I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks Lou."

Louis looked at my hand.

"Since when have you been engaged?"

"Since today." I said with a small chuckle.

"Well congrats."

"Thanks. You can lay down on the couch. I'll grab the pillows and blankets."

"Thank you again, Lex."

I had opened up the closet door in the hallway upstairs and Kit came over.

"Why are you grabbing blankets? Who's here?"


"Why's Louis here? And why did you let him inside?"

"He got stabbed. I had to help him. I told him he could stay since we are going to the ER in the morning."

"Why are you so kind hearted?"

I chuckled.

"Blame my parents."

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