• ~ Forty Five ~ •

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Chapter 45: Josh

I had pulled him into a hug. He has still smelt like the same cologne he wore back in high school.

Josh was older than me. Two years to be exact. Yeah, I was a sophomore dating a Senior. And yeah, I ghosted him his senior year of high school. I switched schools and everything just to avoid him. Is it bad I still regret it?

"Still shorter than ever." He said with a chuckle.

"Shut up. I haven't grown since the 7th grade."

I had opened the door the rest of the way and let him in.

"Damn Kelce. You're living the life."

"I wish it was that simple." I said sitting on the couch with Josh following behind.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, on my birthday I got attacked and I was in a coma for 3 days. Louis, my other ex, keeps following me practically everywhere as he keeps on and off dating Kit's ex to 'make me jealous' but I just think it's pathetic, and-"

"Woah- woah- woah- attacked?"

"Yeah, and we don't know who did it. Apparently I took a blunt force to the head. I'm a miracle."

Josh looked astonished.

"How the fuck-"

"Oh I'm not done. I also got my song book stolen by Dylan and she tried to publish one of my songs until I called her out and released it on a deluxe version of my latest album."

"I'm not sure if I want to continue with a musical career-"

I had laughed a little.

"How about you? How's your mom?"


"What- how? I'm sorry."

"It's okay. She died with cancer. It was just me and her."

"Oh Josh.. how long ago?"

"A couple months ago. You wanna know what she told me?"

"What she tell you?"

"She made me promise to find you."

My heart sank. I was close with his mother. I hugged him tight again.

It was weird. I was hugging my ex boyfriend in the house of my current boyfriend and I's.

I heard the door open.

"Hey babe." I said with a smile.

"Hey. Oh hey."

Josh waved. "Hey."

Kit had grabbed my Dr Pepper from the bag and handed it to me.

"Jesus, you're hotter in person- I didn't mean to say that out loud."

Josh had chuckled.

"It's cool, I get that a lot."

"Oh! You wanna see something cool?" I turned to Josh.


I took Josh into the studio as he stood there amazed.

"You have a studio in your house?"


Josh had stopped leaning against the doorframe and looked at my song book on the table. It was open to a song called Love Lies.

"What's this?"

"Oh just a song I've been working on. It's supposed to be a duet, but I don't think it's gonna work."

"You just need someone with a lower vocal range."

"Exactly. All the guys I sing with have a higher vocal range."

Josh had picked up the book and walked over to the keyboard in the studio.

"Sorry if it's hard to catch my vibe, mm-mm. I need a lover to trust, tell me you're on my side. Are you down for the ride? It's not easy for someone to catch my eye But I've been waitin' for you for my whole damn life, For my whole lifetime."

"Don't be afraid to tell me if you ain't with it (you ain't with it) I see you're focused, yeah you're so independent (independent) It's hard for me to open up, I'll admit it (I'll admit it) You've got some shit to say and I'm here to listen."

I had walked over and joined in on the chorus.

"So baby, tell me where your love lies. Waste the day and spend the night. Underneath the sunrise. Show me where your love lies."

Josh smiled up at me.

"Well Joshua Reynolds.. you've got yourself a song with Alexia Kelce."

I had looked over at Kit who was giving Josh a slight side eye. Fuck. Jealousy was a good look for him.

"Well, Kit and I actually have to stop by my parents house soon, so I'll text you the address to my studio."

"Sweet. I'll see you Alexia." He smiled as he left.

Once he was gone, Kit turned to me.

"Do we actually have to go to your parents?"

"No, but I could see you getting hella jealous. It was kinda hot."

He rolled his eyes with a slight smirk.

"Maybe I was, but he was being touchy. That's my thing."

I walked over pulling him into a kiss.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: it's been a little too calm for a couple chapters. Time to spice shit up 😍🤞 you all need to stop encouraging me to destroy perfectly good relationships. (Dw Kalexia is endgame 😍)

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