• ~ Fifty Eight ~ •

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Chapter 58: Hits Different

We all ended up staying at Milo's place since we all were already there and Milo didn't mind.

My alarm had gone off at 9, waking up Josh and Kit as well.

"What did you set that alarm for?"

"Kit and I have a meeting with Trey."

"Ugh, I forgot about that."

Josh sat up and moved onto the couch.

"Has anyone seen Milo?"

We all turned our heads to see Milo lying across his kitchen counter.

"Did he not realize he's at his own house? He could have slept in his own bed." Kit said as he helped me up off the floor.

I walked over to Milo and tapped him.

"Yo. Milo? Jesus, this man is a heavy sleeper."

I tapped him again and he moved, a little too much. He rolled off the counter and onto the floor.

"Oh fuck! Milo!"

"It's good-"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah dude, I just fell off the counter. I'm great."

"Are you being sarcastic or for real?"

"I'm okay-" he said with a chuckle.

"Since you're okay, the three of us are gonna peace out."

"Alright." He pulled himself off the floor. "I'll see you guys."

"Alright! Bye Milo!"

"Bye guys!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I turned to Josh.

"I hope you don't mind coming with us."

"Not at all. I am able to get into your mini fridge right?"

I chuckled a bit.

"Yes Joshua, you can get into the fridge."

"Then I don't mind at all!"

I rolled my eyes with a smile as I opened up the studio door.

"Alexia!" Trey said.

"And Kit."

"And Josh apparently."

"Sorry, he's staying with Kit and I for right now, so we brought him with us."

"It's fine."

Josh had walked over to the mini fridge.

"What's the code?"


"Your birthday?"

"It's the only thing I can remember. Other than June 23, 2023."

"What's the June 23rd?" Kit said looking at me.

"You're kidding right?"

"Yes I'm kidding. Obviously I know our anniversary. I'm not that much of an asshole-"

I put my head on his shoulder and Trey turned at looked at me.

"So Alexia, I hate to break it to you, but you don't have a number one on this album. You have a number two, but your mother has the top spot."

"Of course she does."

"One thing that always takes number one for you is your duets or trios or whatever."

"Well Kit and I have a song written."

"Perfect and.. Josh! Get over here!"

Josh had looked over with a sandwich in his hand.


"Who else is named Josh?"

Josh had walked over to Kit and I and sat next to us.

"Josh, you need a social boost, correct?"

"I guess-" he said still eating the sandwich.

"Lex, do you think you can whip out another duet for you and Josh? Maybe also a trio."

"Why do you suddenly care so much about Josh." I said with a chuckle.

"I signed with Josh as well the other day."

"Holy shit! Josh that's awesome!"

Josh looked up. Man was so invested in that sandwich. Kit whispered in my ear.

"I think he's over you. He's making out with that sandwich."

I tried not to laugh.

"But yeah, I can whip one out. Probably the trio as well."

"Perfect! With that being said, are you two ready to record the duet you guys did?"

"Why not."

"Let's do it!"

Trey looked at Josh who was still devouring the sandwich. Trey smacked it out of his hands.

"My sandwich man!"

Kit and I started dying of laughter.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Trey found all the vault tracks I said I wanted and he made them into an EP. Trey was stuck on the idea of July being the month of Alexia Kelce. He decided to release them asap. He wanted me to beat my mother on the charts. It was going to be hard to do, but I was down for the challenge.

"How's the song writing coming along?"

"I have Josh and I's duet done. We are working on the trio song."

"Perfect! This will give you a chance at beating your mother, and this gives you the social boost you need."

Once we had finished writing the songs Trey had finally let us leave. He said the first week of August we'd be releasing all three songs as an EP.

I looked online. My Vault EP was blowing up already.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

@ItsAlexiaKelce: It's the month of Alexia Kelce, so here is an EP of my favorite vaulted songs 🫶🏻

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@ItsAlexiaKelce: It's the month of Alexia Kelce, so here is an EP of my favorite vaulted songs 🫶🏻

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: Sorry for taking so long. I've been super busy. I've had work, softball, and musical stuff all in one. I've also had a request for a Josh spinoff book. Would you guys be down for that? I'd be so down to write stuff from Josh's pov versus Alexia's. Anyways, lmk ! -Abby <3

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