• ~ Twenty Three ~ •

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Chapter 23: December Secrets

A/N: There are talks of suicide and things like that in this chapter

December 13th. It was my album release day.

"Babe- what if everyone hates it? What if they just boycott it? What if they-"

"Hey, breathe for a second."

"I'm trying. Should I drop the track list?"

"Yeah, let's do that since it drops in an hour."


I grabbed my phone and made the post.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

@ItsAlexiaKelce: No Hard Feelings drops in 30 minutes! Here's the long awaited track list! Every song on this album is written about a different person in my life

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@ItsAlexiaKelce: No Hard Feelings drops in 30 minutes! Here's the long awaited track list! Every song on this album is written about a different person in my life. (Current and past) 🫡

@User: I know die first is going to make me cry
^ @User: And People You Know 😭

@JoeLocke03: How many are about my man?
^ @ItsAlexiaKelce: Most of them 😍🙏
^ @JoeLocke03: Are there any songs about me?
^ @ItsAlexiaKelce: Next Album I promise

@KitConnor: Bouta stream repeatedly
^ @User: Gotta fulfill your supportive boyfriend duties

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kit and I went downstairs with my parents. We were all going to listen to the album together.

We played each song individually. These were new to everyone, even Kit. He had only heard 3 of them.

"Oh by the way, I gave you writing credits on because I liked a boy."

"Seriously? You didn't have to."

"You wrote the bridge."

Kit smiled and I put my head on his shoulder.

My parents looked up at me what People You Know started playing.

"Is this about Dylan?" My mother asked.

Kit turned to me.


"Dylan Conrique. She used to be my best friend."

My parents saw the look on Kit's face.

"We'll be right back."

Kit turned to me.

"Why didn't you tell me? Lex, I don't mean this is a bad way, I just feel like you're keeping stuff from me."

"Am I supposed to tell you everything?"

"Yes Lex! I don't keep anything from you! You know everything I could possibly tell you!"

"Fine. You wanna know everything?" I stood up and threw the pillow at him. "When I was 14 I tried to kill myself. I was fat. I was fucking ugly. When I turned 16 I got hot and I became a slut. After I fucked Josh I couldn't stop screwing people. I had a whole crisis. I almost dropped out of high school. I also caught our old house on fire. Completely by mistake. Happy now? Is that enough for you?"

Tears were falling from my eyes.


"No. Don't do that."

I was seconds away for losing it. We had never argued before. Was it normal to feel this way? When I argued with Louis, it was just anger. This felt like I was being stabbed. Was it supposed to feel like this?

He pulled me into a hug.

"How about we don't do this again."

"I agree. Let's not do this again."

Kit had kissed the top of head.

"I'm sorry Lex."

"It's okay."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kit was in the shower. I opened up my laptop to check on my album. I had suddenly screamed.

My parents had run into the room with Kit behind them still trying to button his pants.

"Alexia!? Are you okay!?"



"Yes! Closer is 2nd and Dear future husband is 3rd!"

"You have the top 3 spots right now!"

"I know!"

Kit had ran in and hugged me tight.

"I'm so proud of you!"

My parents came over.

"My baby has gone number one!" My mother said hugging me tight.

"We have to celebrate!" My father said. "Also since your mother turned 34 today ."

She rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Well, where do you wanna go?"

I looked over at Kit and we had a mutual agreement.

"The Karaoke restaurant."

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