• ~ Sixty One ~ •

363 11 2

Chapter 61: What?

I woke up that morning with a terrible headache, which I expected. Kit was already out of bed doing something. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time.


I had gotten out of bed and walked into the kitchen. I saw Kit talking with a teenage boy.

"Hey.." I said slightly confused.

Kit had tossed me a bottle of ibuprofen.

"Hey." He kissed me on the cheek.

"Who's the kid?"

"I'm your brother."

I had laughed a little bit.

"Funny. You're a cute kid." I grabbed a water from the fridge and took one of the ibuprofens.

"Lex, he's serious-"


"I'm Karcyn." He said looking up at me.

"I'm 19 years old, I'm pretty sure I'd know if I had a little brother."

"Well clearly you didn't."

This kid had a cocky attitude. A lot like my father actually.

"Okay.. how old are you?"


"Where have you been the last 16 years old my life then?"

"With Uncle Jason and Aunt Kylie."

"So you're telling me my parents had another kid when I was three then shipped him off with apparently our uncle?"


"I'm calling Mom-"

"You do that." He said as he took a bite of his cereal.

I walked over to Kit.

"Is he serious? Is he actually my brother?"

"Yeah. Your parents brought him over while you were drunk last night."

"They know I was drunk- they are gonna kill me-"

"I'm pretty sure their adult daughter being drunk was the least of their worries."

"Wait, so why is he with us?"

"Because your parents didn't have a room for him at their house."

I looked over at Karcyn sitting there quietly. I walked back over to him.

"So, you're actually my little brother."

"I wish I would've known sooner I had a sister. It would've been cool."

"Well I'm here now aren't I?"

Karcyn smiled.

"How about this? First, we need to stop at my parents, I mean our parents house and talk to them for a moment, then You, Me and Kit can go do something of your choice."


"Yeah. Sibling bonding." I smiled.


"Go grab your shit."

Karcyn had gone to grab his shoes when Kit walked over, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"What?" I said with a smile.


The three of us had left and went to my parent's house.

"Hey Lexi, Kit and Karcyn. What a party?" My father said.

I had chuckled as Karcyn started petting Meredith.

"I guess I'm kinda confused. Where's Mom?"

"I'm right here." She said walking out from the kitchen. "What's up?"

"Were you guys ever going to tell me I had a brother?"

My parents sighed a bit.

"Eventually, but we were young when we had you, then Karcyn came along and we knew we couldn't handle two of you."

"So you sent him to live with Uncle Jason and Aunt Kylie and decided not to tell me until I was 19?"


"You guys are the most confusing people ever. I just don't understand you two. Come on, Karcyn."


Kit knew not to jump into this. He knew this would end badly for him if he jumped in.

Kit, Karcyn and I had left. Karcyn wanted to play mini golf then go get food which I was totally down for.

Karcyn was a mini golf pro. He was getting hole in ones left and right. I had looked over and saw Josh, but he wasn't alone. It looked like he was on a date of some sort.

• ~ • ~ • ~ •

A/N: Ngl I've been so busy that I forgot about this book. But I'm back yall I promise. You just need to remind me 😭😭

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