Chapter 69.

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It's been a week now. Everyone got back to normal, in this week haya visited them twice with Usman. They are really happy with eachother. Hania went back to her in laws and everyone is busy in their works.

It was around 10 pm and Hasan was performing a surgery. Fatima offered her prayers in his room and went down in the emergency ward. No one was there, a complete silence with only the sounds of fans.

The two three patients who were present were sleeping peacefully. She checked those two three patients even though they were not her patients. She smiled looking at their recovery and sat at one of the table.

She looked around and the flashbacks started flooding in her mind. Her first time coming in this hospital and the very first day of her coming Hasan scolded her. She chuckled at that thought.

She remembered the day when some gang people came and the way she fell in Hasan's arms taking that bullet for him. She remembered the first meet with her brother and sister in law after 6 years.

Nothing have changed in the hospital, everything is there at their place but so much change in their lives, everything changed in a positive way. She is happy now. If someone said that to 20 years old Fatima, that she will be the happiest in her mid and late twenties then she would definitely laughed a humourless laugh.

So many things changed in her lives. Her life was a complete roller coaster. It goes from good bad worse worst then good better and now best ofcourse in between they had ups and downs but their was someone who would go to any extend for her who would do anything for her in a heartbeat.

She had that someone in her life. She had that best person in her life who will do anything for her happiness. Who would give his life without any second thought. She still had her life to live and she is living it with that love of her life.

She smiled to herself looking at her ring which was resting in her ring finger. She was thanking Allah for everything every little and big thing.

"Dr Fatima there is an emergency." Nurse said breathing heavily and Fatima immediately got up.

The male nurses got the stretcher and layed the man on the hospital bed. Fatima rushed to that man and stood still, he is weak with slow heartbeat. She was still in her place. She heard some sounds and voices around her but nothing was clear.

She snapped her head when a nurse shaked her a little.

"Are you fine Dr Fatima, he is getting critical."

"Yes." She said and started doing her work. She got the ECG and checked for any other injuries. His heart rate was dropping continuously, she injected the sedatives for his heart.

"He have Arrhythmia (is a problem with the rate or rhythm of your heartbeat). Get ready the OT fast."

The head nurse nodded and went to do her work, she called the anesthesiologist and others for the surgery. Fatima was scrubbing her shaky hands taking deep breaths to calm herself down.

She took a deep breath and read some verses of Quran and went inside. She made her fingers into a fist then releases, she did it a few times to calm her shaky hands.

She ask for the scalpel and started her work. It was an open heart surgery. After what felt like hours she completed her work.

"Good work Dr Fatima." Anesthesiologist said with a smile.

She just nodded and went from there after giving the instructions to send him to ICU and check him every 1.5 hours. She went up straight to Hasan's room.

After an hour Hasan came out from the OT and throwed the gloves in the bin. He went to ICU to look at one of his patient. He checked on her and was about to go from there but his eyes landed on him.

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