The meeting.

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"You have to be patient with me so I'll understand fully," I let out a sigh for the umpteenth time.

"You are getting married and you do not know the groom?" I angled the phone to show my still slightly puffy face and nodded at her.

"So like a forced marriage?"

"No! Not that, Abbie would never." She nodded her head in agreement.

"So an arranged marriage?" Ammal concluded.

"Exactly that. I know who he is but I don't know him."

I was currently on the phone with my only friend, ammal. We met on my first day of college, my phone had died and I had to call Ayaan. She was the only person that looked approachable enough, I honestly do not even remember how but we were inseparable since.

Unlike me, ammal was the bubbliest person I knew. She was fierce, loud, so unapologetic and bold. Not to mention stunning. We were a perfect contrast to each other, and frankly if she wasn't the way she was our friendship probably would not have last this long. Where I was antisocial, she was the friendliest person I knew.

"Ammal he is coming today!" My eyes tingled at the reminder.

"I am already on my way, don't worry." Then she cuts the call.

It was a little after asr and I've been alternating between praying and coming back to the comfort of my bed all day. It was getting a bit late though so I mustered up my strength and got up to take a quick shower.

My reflection stared back at me in the mirror, I looked past my puffy face down to my slightly flabby arms, the slide folding on my stomach and my wide hips.

I had gained more weight than I'd realized lately and I really needed to start limiting my food intake.

Deciding I wasn't going to stand there and criticize myself longer, I walked out of the bathroom in my bathrobe.

Ayaan was sitting on my bed with a tray of food. It contained two sandwiches, a hash brown, some fruit and a cup of apple juice.
"You have not eaten all day." A guilty look took over my features as I started at his pointed face.

"Drop it on the side table, I'll eat once I get dressed." As I said that, I made sure to look everywhere but his face.

"Maaya have you been eating in my absence?"

"Wallah I have, can't you see how much weight I've gained?" I attempted to lighten the conversation in hopes that it would deter him, yet even as I said it out loud I cringed.

"Come sit." I slowly walked towards him and sat next to him.

"You have been doing very well and I'm very proud of you. But don't let all your efforts go in vain, not when we've come this far, okay?"

"You are so beautiful maaya. And I'm not being biased because I'm your brother or anything."
I smiled at him.

"I'll try my best Ayaa, I promise." I meant it completely, Ayaan had gone through so much to ensure my recovery. He was the last person I wanted to let down in the world.

He nodded at me before passing me the plate of food first, "eat this." Ayaan watched me eat it all, including the fruits.

I'd just taken my last gulp of the juice when my room was barged into, It was Ammal.

"Through out the whole conversation we had this morning you did not think to mention that Captain was in town." Was the first thing she said.

I rolled my eyes at her, "That is why it's called a surprise." Ayaan answered her instead.

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