Dinner gone wrong.

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It was just past five when an unknown number called my phone, i was yet to round up but I planned to take some of the work home if Adeel calls me.

I picked up the phone with my one hand and continued to review some details with the other, "Good evening ma'am. This is Jonah, I am the driver General hired."

"Good evening."

"He asked me to take you back home ma'am, I am parked downstairs."


"Yes ma'am, he said to call you at exactly 5pm." I sighed and thanked him before ending the call and proceeding to pack up. I had two files to take home that I was not able to complete because contrary to what I thought, i had a lot of piled up work. Not so much favoritism as I thought!

I bid goodbye to my supervisor Lilly and  proceeded to the elevator and straight outside, the driver was not difficult to locate, three men in the Nigerian army uniform stood by a black Mercedes G63 AMG and a black Lexus jeep. All three of the soldiers along with the driver greeted me with so much respect, it frightened me a bit. My car door was opened before I got there, i greeted them back with no sign of a smile on my face, since they did not look like they'd appreciate my smiles.

Once sat in the car, i sent my husband a message that I was on my way home, just as my phone rang. It was an unknown number, i picked it up immediately because I was not one of those people who did not pick unknown numbers, i did not care who it was, but I would prefer to find out for myself.

"Assalamu alaikum bridey!" A chirpy somewhat familiar voice greeted me.

"Wa'alaikum assalam." Was my wary reply, i couldn't place the voice but I have heard it somewhere.

"I am sorry if i confused you, this is Jannah, Jalaal's wife."

"Ah! How are you?" Now I matched her chirpiness, she and her husband were exactly alike and it was refreshing.

"I am doing amazing, how are you matar general? I hope he is not driving you crazy with his insufferableness? Then again, you are his wife, i am sure you see a side of him none of us have." I burst out laughing, which i regretted a second later because she keeps quiet on the other line and I realized i may have embarrassed her, but it baffled me how she thought Adeel was even capable of having more than the side they've all seen and why on earth will i be the one he'd show it to?

"We are both good, alhamdulillah. How is Jalaal?" Was my reply, feeling a bit awkward after my sudden outburst of laughter.

"He is well! Listen, he and I are actually supposed to come for dinner tonight. I thought it would be a bother but my husband suggested we bring dinner so you would not have to stress, he discussed it with general but I collected your number to tell you myself. I hope it will be okay?"

I was actually very tired and had a bit of work to do, but who could turn down Jannah? She was a sweetheart and frankly I was not the person to say no to anyone, people pleaser and all, not proud.

"It will be perfect, and don't worry about dinner, i will prepare something. Thank you for calling to tell me."

"No i insist, we were thinking about ordering in anyways. You can make dessert if you insist."

I nodded before quickly realizing she couldn't see me, "Alright, any allergies?"

"Jalaal does not eat peanuts but that's it."

"I will keep that in mind."

"Perfect! See you later bridey, cant wait to make you my bestie." She shrilled into the phone, I chuckled,

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