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I found Asra in his office.

I walked through his door without knocking, ignoring the surprised look of Rio as I slumped myself into the sofa with a soft sigh. Staring up at the ceiling, I ignored the probing eyes. I was a squashed marshmallow; never have I felt jelly-like. And yet, I couldn't shift the guilt eating away at me.

Someone cleared their throat, and footsteps shifted across the carpet.

"You okay there, Tulip?" Asra wondered.

My head rolled to the side, finding him still sat at his desk with an amused glint in his eye. Rio was standing before the desk, half turned to me as he stared down at some paperwork. I could tell he was pointedly trying not to pry, but by the shifting of his eyes, I knew he was looking between the two of us.

Asra's smile turned to a grimace when I didn't answer. "Ailia?"

Sullen and silent, I stared up at my mate with a pout. He cocked his head, his nostrils flaring before the familiar ache started in my temple. I watched his expressions as he searched through my head, trying to find what had happened. He would get the idea of my feelings, but until I marked him, he wouldn't be able to have full access to my head. I hoped I could read him, but being human, I doubted it somehow.



"If you could excuse us one moment."

Rio's grey eyes flickered to the paperwork before he bowed. "Of course, Alpha. I shall go get refreshments."

"Thank you." Asra mumbled.

"Luna." Rio bowed, shooting me a small nod and smile before he disappeared out of the office.

Asra waited until the door clicked closed before sighing and approaching me. I watched him as he moved, his movements fluid despite his size. He crouched before me, running a hand through my hair. I gave him a faint smile, and he returned the gesture.

"Why are you upset?"

I shook my head. "I feel guilty."

His eyebrows furrowed. "What ever for?"

My chest felt heavy as I gazed into his deep blue eyes. "Being here."

"Is it the whole title? It is who you are meant to be."

I shook my head, cutting him off. "No, it's not that."

"Then what is it? Talk to me, Tulip." He pleaded, taking my hand.

I sighed, pushing myself up, so I was sitting. He moved to sit beside me, keeping my hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I am here. In a warm, ventilated, free place where I can have as much food as I want... And my sister... she..." My lower lip quivered.

He grumbled, pulling me closer to his body until I pressed against his side. "I understand."

"Do you?" I frowned. "I don't think you do, Asra. You live here in this castle of a house, with all the money, safety, food you could ever want! I do not know what has happened to my sister, or to my hometown. I just... It's been a dream being here. Everything has passed by so quickly and I just can't help but feel guilty for never thinking of it."

"You can't blame yourself. It's been a busy couple of months."

I squeezed his thigh with my spare hand, pulling away to stare into his eyes. "But I should've thought about her, at least."

"I'm sure you did." He shook his head.

"Maybe a passing thought, but... What has happened to her? To my mother? Has she mistreated her like she did me? I don't want my sister to be subject to that harsh treatment."

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