sixty four

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I felt hazy.

As I slowly drifted back into reality, everything around me felt fluffy. My arms felt unattached, my fingers and toes tingling as I descended back down to earth. Something was guiding me, pulling me back down as though I was a soul surfing another world. The moment I felt solidified, I squinted my eyes open to the bright contrast of the room.

I groaned as a sharp pain radiated across my skull, rolling onto my side as an ache burned in my gut. Just moments before vomiting onto Asra's marvellous floor, someone shoved the small office bin beneath me. Through the burning tears of vomiting pain, I emptied my stomach into the tiny bin, rolling onto the floor once I finished.

I heard Asra sigh, my name falling from his lips. "You cannot lay there."

Grimacing, my eyes remained shut. "Why the hell not?"

He chuckled and lifted me from the ground to sit upright on the sofa. I huffed, squinting to level mind against the past few moments of earth time. I rather liked it in dream world, earth world gave headaches.

"Why did I throw up?" I grumbled, my head rolling to glare at the witch.

She seemed bashful. "There was more strain on your mind. You were projecting."

"I was doing no such thing." I frowned defiantly.

"You may not be aware of it, but your conscience was desperate for me to see."

"The old house?" I wondered, briefly remembering parts of the dream. "I was swimming."

"You saw the dream?" Evangeline's eyes widened.

"Yeah, I don't know where I was, though."

"Your consciousness did." She eagerly leaned forward. "It was Alison's house."

"My mothers?"

"Did you see all the dream?" She wondered, cocking her head.

"Yeah, I think so..." I mumbled, my eyebrows furrowing. "Why is that..."

So suddenly, as though a page had been turned in my mind, in large black letters stood the grim reality.

Not my mother.

I sucked in a sharp breath, eyes finding Asra once more. "Alison... She... She's not..."

"We know." Asra sighed. "Evangeline saw and told me everything."

"What does this mean?" I whispered.

"We are here to discuss it." He reassured me, moving to sit beside me. "We will unpack everything."

Wow, he really trusts this woman.

"It seems your father worked with a witch." Evangeline mused. "I got through some of your mind and found out a few key parts."

"Did you find out who he was?"

"That, I could not get round. That part of their magic was too strong for me to break." She shook her head, smiling sadly. "However, he has the same hair as you. Your mind does not lie to you there."

So, the possibility of it being Flynn is still the same.

"What else?"

"I should probably start from the beginning of what I saw, yes?"

"Please." I begged softly.

Inhaling deeply with a soft smile, Evangeline went through my dream the exact way I did. She was thorough, her story matching up to mine at every angle. The facts were right, but it was when she went into the deeper meaning that I felt nervous.

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