fifty two

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This was a lot of people.

As I stood, clutching the questionnaires to my chest, I stared dumbfounded as people flooded the room. Humans of various kinds lined up, their heads bowed and hands looped in front of them. Once the footsteps stopped, the room fell silent, and I realised they were waiting for someone to speak.

I licked my lips nervously, glancing at Mya from the corner of my eye. She shrugged, stoic and tense behind me. I was originally doing this alone, but I grew nervous and Mya was the only one free. She promised me she would support me, and Asra was more than happy to give me a guard in front of so many people.

Clearing my throat, my fingers rubbed the papers nervously. "Thank you, everyone, for coming on such short notice."

Nobody lifted their heads, all of them subdued.

"You... you don't have to look down, you know. I'm not that hideous, am I?" I joked, a nervous laugh tumbled from my lips.

They all stirred, coming to live like animatronic robots. Some looked up to stare at me, others at the walls, and a few shared looks with each other. I knew they were just as unsure as I was, their eyes glossed with confusion.

"I'm not here to tell you off or anything." Trying to reassure them, I smiled. "I just wanted you all together, as this will be a lot quicker."

More confused glances, most of them looking up now.

"I'm Ailia... But you probably knew that already..." My voice drifted to a mutter.

Mya cleared her throat, widening her eyes as if to say, 'get to it.'

"Right, anyway. I just have some paperwork for you all to fill out. If you could do so, that would be great." I smiled tensely, stepping down from the front stage.

I walked up to the first person and handed them some pages. "If you could take one and pass them down, it will be so much quicker."

The human bowed their head, but I saw the intrigue in their gaze as they peered down at the page. I passed some to every first person on the left and waited as they all handed out the pages. My dress swished as I moved to take the pens from Mya, who quirked a brow when I dropped a few.

"Oh, yeah, don't help me then. Stand there and look scary." I scoffed.

There were a few shocked gasps and mutters, the room filling with sudden life. Mya grinned, amused, at me before shrugging her shoulders.

"You got it covered. Paper isn't that heavy, is it?"

I glared at her, my lips pursing with annoyance as I handed the boxes of pens the same way I did the paper. Coming back to the front, I waited for everyone to finish shuffling.

"Everyone got a page and a pen?" I wondered.

There were a few mumbling agreements, and nods, and my lips pulled back into a smile.

"Great. Now, it's just multiple choice, and I have tried my hardest to find the most desired answers for you to choose from. You don't have to put your name, but I'd appreciate your position in this pack just so it can support the answers." I explained. "This questionnaire, as you read it, is about your work conditions and once I have some answers from this, there will be more specific ones and, hopefully, some interviews."

Someone hesitantly raised their hand, and I turned to the slight female, curious.

"It says here what type of meal we'd prefer..." Her voice was confused. "And the hours in a day we'd prefer to work?"

"Yes?" I wondered.

She blinked, lips parting with unsaid words. I couldn't help but laugh softly, keeping my expression fair as she looked around nervously.

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