fifty nine

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double update surprise!!


The moments after being forced to pee into a cup by Mya were some of the most intense moments of my life. Even after I lay bleeding to death from a wolf attack, I felt calm and serene. But as of right now, my stomach has never churned with so much anxiety.

I felt physically sick, to the point I couldn't sit still.

After throwing Mya out, I peed into the cup, dipped two of the damn sticks and placed them face down. After throwing away the cup, I called Mya back in and together we waited for those two minutes.

As I paced, my mind whirred with possibilities. There was every chance I could be, after not using protection. The magical lake, no thanks to Mya's reassurance, could either be in my favour, or nature's. The blessed water appeared to have some kind of fate-mind-making ability.

All I knew was I couldn't breathe. This couldn't happen now. Not only was I on the precipice of finding out if my bloodline was half wolf, but I have only known Asra for a few months. It may be the norm for wolves to have pups right away, but I was still a person raised by humans. This was way too soon.

I barely knew myself, let alone can care for a child of my own. What was I supposed to do?

I should tell Asra. He deserves to know as much as I did.

Just as I shot up from the toilet to do that exact same thing, the timer on Mya's phone rang, and my eyes widened as I stared up at her.

It had been two minutes already?

"Times up!" She cheered.

I blanked, staring at her with no physical capacity for movement. She was acting as though this wasn't the biggest deal right now. But it was.

"Are you going to look, or am I?"

I licked my lips, my mouth feeling dry. "No, no, I'll do it."

She gestured for me to go ahead, and I turned to the pathetic pieces of plastic. Inhaling deeply, I reached out towards them. My hands shook with nerves, my heart racing in my chest.

All I had to do was turn it over.

It was that simple.

The plastic was smooth in my sweaty palm and I pulled them both to my stomach without looking. Nervously looking toward Mya, she gave me a silent yet encouraging smile. I breathed deeply, the sound loud inside the quiet bathroom. Not even the tap was dripping, or the usual soft breeze coming from the open window.

Even that was closed.

Dropping my head, I turned the two pieces in my palms to face upward. My heart sank into my gut, my vision blurring. I felt my heart race and jump a million times before stuttering to a stop.

"Well? What do they say? Your emotions are haywire!" Mya urged.

I laughed softly, looking up at her. "They're negative."

Her shoulders relaxed, and she sank back into her spot on the vanity's edge, that same lazy smile in place. I showed her the plastic and the single test line with a weary smile.

"That's good? Yeah?" She wondered, eyes scanning me.

I exhaled, still full of nerves as I rode the last waves of my anxiety. "Yeah, that's good."

"How do you feel?"


"Would it have been so bad?" She wondered. "If it had gone the other way, what would you have done?"

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