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"What is it?" Asra mumbled.

I gulped down the lump in my throat. "That's my mother."

His nostrils flared, a low growl escaping him. "Are you certain?"

"It sounds like her footsteps. She drags her left a little because she broke her ankle and we couldn't afford the doctor to set it."

She had been drunk and tripped over a cobblestone.

He growled again, his body tense as his nostrils flared toward the footsteps. I knew he resented my mother, wanting revenge for what she put me through. But now was not the time, not when we had zero back up or plan for this.

Caleb was against the house at the sound of his Alpha's growl, staring down the opposing alley cautiously.

If it wasn't for my paranoid mind, I wouldn't have picked up on the fact the footsteps had quietened. It either meant she had stopped, or was inside. It couldn't be the latter because I never heard the creaking of the old door.

Which only meant she had stopped.

Did she hear Asra's growl? Had he alerted her to our presence?

Where was she?

My eyes were wide with fear as I looked past my mate to gauge our surroundings. My chest was tight as I held my breath, my heart racing in my chest, pounding in my ears.

Raking my eyes along the width of the narrow alley, I was relieved to find it empty.

But where was she?

Finally, and thankfully, there was a jostle of keys before the front door of the cabin opened. My mother may have suspected something, but it didn't last long, as she soon scurried into the house. If she was drunk, she wouldn't care.

My wide blue eyes locked onto Asra when his head snapped toward the sound. Another growl sounded, one that had goosebumps rising on my arms. I closed my eyes and pleaded with him in my mind, but he was too tense.

"Asra, please calm down." I whispered. "We need a plan to get my sister out of there without my mother knowing..."

He finally looked down at me, a sneer on his lips. "We will have to wait for her to fall asleep. If we go now, I will kill her."

I may resent my mother, but I didn't want her dead.

"Okay." I squeaked. "Has she been drinking?"

His jaw tightened. "Wine, yes."

"Okay, good. She won't take long. It makes her sleepy, fast." I mumbled.

Still, I wondered where she had been. Perhaps she was at the pub? Maybe she went around to one of her friend's houses?

Deep in thought of her previous whereabouts, I cast a look at the stoic male. He had barely moved and when I realised how out in the open, he was; I pulled him behind the cabin.

"What... what else does she smell of?"

"A male." He stated.

I grimaced, nodding. Since coming out of her hell hole, my mother slept with other men, and the idea made me cringe. I could only feel sorry for the poor fucker she wrapped into her nest. Most of the men here were in relationships too, but my mother didn't care. As long as she got what she wanted from them, whether money, clothes or food, she was happy and stayed quiet about it.

I slumped down the side of the house to sit, unaware of what was happening inside. Asra and Caleb shared a few looks, and I could only assume they were communicating in their mind. I didn't understand that; why did they have that ability?

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