twenty *

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Arabella was comatose in the bed when I arrived. She must have been just as tired as I was. After shutting the curtains, I crawled in beside her and fell asleep. It was a rather peaceful sleep, but I woke at my normal time with an ache in my chest.

I rose out of bed with the sun, watching my sister as she slept. Contemplating my life choices, I feared that something was going to come back to me after taking Arabella out of there. It made me think of everything I could lose;; everything I found safety in.

I wanted to trust my gut; it never led me astray before. But it scared me; because what if it was right?

What if there was a war like Asra mentioned? What if people died in it? I would feel so guilty if people got hurt or lost their lives. I couldn't do that to the pack, and even though they acted as though they were stupidly blind, I couldn't do that to the town of Evermore.

I felt agitated, my mind running ahead of me. I knew it was the damn bond; it didn't like when I was away from Asra so long. Eve had told me it was because the bond was incomplete.

I hadn't marked him. Therefore, I wouldn't know if he ever got hurt, or know where he was, so the bond was forcing me to find him. He was just a dull ache in my head whenever he felt like abusing his power over me instead.

It was something we hadn't really spoken about. Sure, I had mentioned it in passing, but never in detail. We were bound for life, yet I wondered why we had not completed that ultimate piece of the bond. I was his, it just made me question if he was mine...

Hell, I wasn't sure if I could even leave a mark. Were my teeth that strong? Could I stomach my teeth ripping into his flesh and drawing his blood like a damn animal?

Would marking him force me into roles we did not yet prepare me for?

I was meant to be the Luna, the leader of this pack. My roles were simple, yet I had so much pressure, so much tightness in my chest that lingered whenever I thought about the movement into being someone of power.

Huffing, I forced myself out of Arabella's bed. She had slept soundly, barely moving in the night, and even as the bed dipped, she didn't stir. I rummaged through her bed side drawers, somehow miraculously finding some pens and a notepad. Scrawling her a note on my whereabouts, I left the room and went back to my own.

My feet padded quietly along the carpet and I barely lifted my hand to the door when someone pulled it open. A strangled scream tore from my throat as they ripped me from the ground and pulled me into a warm embrace. Lips moulded into mine, a hand wrapping around the back of my head and another on my ass as the instant fire burnt the entirety of my skin.

Asra's scent flooded my senses as he pressed me into the wall, causing my stomach to flip. I moaned softly into him, giving into the temptation of his taste.

I barely registered the sound of the door closing as Asra tore my clothes from my body. I was losing oxygen though, my lungs straining for breath. Asra was grumbling but noticed my struggle, sliding his lips away from mine to nibble and caress along my throat instead.

I arched into him, a soft moan leaving my lips. "What are you doing to me?"

"You are not allowed to sleep away from me. Ever." He growled.

I shuddered, goosebumps rising on my skin as he licked his claim. "Ever?"

"Yes. Never." I felt his teeth press into my throat.

Swallowing, I remained silent as the intense emotions flooded me. Did he miss me that much? Other than the ache, I slept rather peacefully...

My silence seemed to perturb him, because he was pulling me back, forcing me to look into his eyes.

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