fifty seven

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Laying in our bed after Asra 'cleaned me', I was waiting for him to actually clean me. He had retreated into the bathroom to retrieve a cloth for me, only to come back with a sly smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes, limbs too numb to fight him off as he crawled across the bed. If he couldn't get me in the shower, he always made sure I was sparkling clean, no matter how hard I protested. I learnt, if I just lay here, he would get it over with quicker.

He demanded it was purely instinctual, that he had to take care of me, otherwise he would dislike himself. The first few times he tried, I found it oddly more special than sex ever was. It was strange for me to allow someone to clean my intimate parts, to take care of me after the deed was done. To be fair, the whole concept of sex with Asra was bizarre.

I had been so used to being a twenty-second fuck and dump, left with the mess to clear up myself. I had been just a vessel of pleasure; a purely lustful bang. To then do a complete one eighty with a man who was determined to make me feel every single piece of pleasure possible. I only ever orgasmed with Darius once, and yet Asra was always determined to get three out of me every time.

It was enthralling.

Like a burst of colours fluttered being my eyelids every time he took me to that place of heaven.

And then, when I thought I would be abandoned, and left sore and used, he would come to my aid and clean me up. I felt like a princess; a sweaty, tired princess.

I grimaced as Asra wiped the last remnants of the past hour from my ass with a loud smack to my rear end. He then rolled me back onto my side with a low hum before throwing the cloth back into the bathroom. The bed dipped gently as he curled up behind me, his warmth surrounding me. His nose settled into my hair, left arm forcing its way beneath my head as a pillow.

I grunted. "What are you doing?"

"Getting comfortable." He hummed.

"Do you not have to work anymore?" I wondered.

His other arm curled around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "It's nine o'clock, Tulip."

My eyebrows rose. "It is?"

He chuckled at my disbelief, his chest rumbling softly against my back. "I could lay here all day."

"That wouldn't be very productive now, would it?" I mused.

"I suppose not." He nibbled my neck, and I shrieked with surprise.

"That tickles." I complained, rubbing my hair into his face.

"Are you going to sleep?" He grunted, blowing it out of his face.

"Well, it's only nine o'clock!" I huffed.

"Go to sleep, Tulip."

"What if I need to pee?"

"You already have."

"What if I have to go again?"

"Shush." He muttered, nuzzling his face into my throat. "Sleep."

I giggled softly, giving into his demands and closing my eyes. I thought I wasn't tired, but laying here in his warmth was like a sleeping aid and it didn't take long before I felt myself slipping into dreamland.


I think I was dreaming.

I couldn't be sure.

But then again, in what world did you wake up in a whole new town?

Unless Asra managed to teleport me back to Evermore in my sleep...

Did he drug me?

He didn't give me any pills and the only thing he stabbed me with was his cock.

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