forty five

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"What was that about?" I mumbled, eying the Luna's discarded tea.

Piper shrugged. "I don't know. It was rather abrupt, wasn't it?"

I hummed with agreement as my eyes trailed the room. The women she was with had gone back to their own conversations, so it seemed only the two of us noticed the weirdness of the luna. Shrugging, we linked arms and left the room to explore the enormous home. When we tried to go outside, we were promptly told to go back in by a guard at the doorstep.

It only made me more suspicious.

"Did you hear Asra is in a meeting?" Piper wondered, changing the subject.

"I did," I pouted. "Serenity told me they only arranged it this morning."

Piper nodded as we came to a stop, both of us eying the empty sofa room. With a broad grin, she hurried over to it and collapsed onto the soft cushions. I wasn't far behind, grateful I could move in this dress.

"Yeah, Alpha Black arranged it this morning." Piper breathed, playing with a stray hair.

"Do you know why?" I cocked my head.

Frowning, she shook hers. "My father is attending, but he wouldn't tell me anything."

"What could have caused them to suddenly have a meeting?" I mumbled softly.

"Beats me. I thought the party went pretty well." She laughed. "I got to dance with a couple of guys."

"What? You did?" My eyes widened. "Potential partners?"

"Unmated and still looking," she sighed. "I took your advice and put myself out there. I thought, if Ailia was here right now, she would drag me out there, anyway."

I snorted a laugh. "I am so happy you think of me so wonderfully."

Her laughter was angelic, and I sighed with envy. Why did I have to sound like a grandma when I laughed?

"What else happened whilst I was gone?" I wondered.

"Not a lot," she frowned. "Mostly dancing drunken wolves. Why did you run off so early?"

"Asra made me," I pouted. "Told me I was getting too mouthy."

"My dad was super shocked." She grinned. "He thought Asra's mate would be passive."

"So rude," I tutted, playfully. "Your dad clearly needs to get out and meet more humans."

"Maybe, but a lot of human mates are softer." She shrugged. "The whole counter-balance thing. It's true in mateships."

"So, what you are saying is... I am the badass one, and Asra is the soft noodle?" I laughed.

She giggled. "A noodle?"

"Yeah, limp and damp." I wheezed with laughter.

Her glee turned wild, a loud snort escaping her as she repeated my words back to herself. After our laughter subsided, the seriousness of reality set in. I sighed softly, staring out the window at the vast forest in the distance.

"Do you think I smell weird?" I wondered.

Piper hummed, not listening, and I repeated myself. My words had her scowl, and look at me with what I could only describe as ridiculousness.

"I'm serious!" I laughed.

"And I'm Piper." She rolled her eyes. "Why would you think you smell funny?"

"It's always been a thing. Everyone always comments on how I smell." I frowned. "Since mating with Asra, it has grown, but I thought it was just because we share the bond now."

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