sixty nine

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I woke with an ache in my spine. It was familiar, and even more unwelcoming.

Frowning, I forced myself up onto my elbows to peer around the bedroom. Asra was gone, as always, the space beside me long since warm. I inhaled sharply as I forced myself to sit, a sharp pain stinging down my spine. My elbows fell to my knees, hands running through the mess of my hair.

Like a well-rehearsed choreographed movement, I slid myself from the mattress and ambled into the en-suite. My hands met the porcelain of the sink as I peered at the sorry-state of my morning face. Deep bags had formed under my eyes, as though I hadn't slept very well. I frowned, moving to tackle the wildness of my sunrise do. The brush snagged with every strand and it took me longer than normal.

What was I doing last night?

I don't remember an ounce of a dream or disturbance. As far as I was aware, I slept fine. So why did I look so unruly?

Did I sleepwalk?

Did a wolf maul me in my slumber?

Shrugging, I prepared myself for the sunny day ahead. I was starting to hate August outside of the mountains. I loved the weather in Evermore, and despite the thinness of the air, it was a manageable heat. So why was it so damn humid down here?

Did Asra have some deal with a sun god?

Slumping into the elevator, I caught sight of my face again. It looked better. The make up I had pampered on my eyes and cheeks had given the illusion of a decent sleep. The redness of my eyeballs had gone, caressed with a brown mascara. I found too much darkness around my face made me look like a weird-ass demon. My pale skin did not suit dark eye makeup.

The death box rattled slightly, and my eyes widened with fright. White-knuckling the railing, I charged out of those doors the moment they opened. Only to crash right into a person.

They caught my wonderfully clumsy self, their arms wrapping around my elbows as I clung to their biceps. Blinking up, I found Caleb. He lazily grinned at me, making sure I was steady.

"You alright, Luna? Looked like you've seen a ghost." Caleb mused.

"I'm fine," I breathed.

I grinned innocently, slowly forcing myself upright despite how much my back ached. His eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he didn't let go until he was certain I could hold myself.

"Are you certain of that?" He wondered.

"Yeah, why?" I cocked my head.

"I didn't miss the way you moved like a robot," He quirked a brow. "Everything okay?"

I swallowed, looking away from him. "I'm fine. I think I just slept funny."

He hummed, lips pursing as he looked down at me. I knew he was unsure, but I also knew he would have no other evidence. Asra wouldn't hurt me, obviously, so Caleb had no choice but to take what I said as the truth.

As if a lightbulb turned on in my head, a realisation dawned on me.

"I fought with Mya yesterday! I think it's just aches," I shrugged.

His eyes widened. "That is most likely it. Did you cool down?"

"Is the sky blue?" I rolled my eyes. "It was a long workout. I just ache."

"Did you bathe?"

"I showered, yes." I nodded.

He hummed again. "You should take some medication; Eliza has plenty."

I laughed, shaking my head. "I'm fine. It's fine, okay?"

Frowning, he eyed me. "Okay..."

I grinned innocently and sidestepped him. "Going now!"

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