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While Minji was worried sick and tending to Y/n, Professor Kang had caught on to certain things. She had made observations and connections with the very little Minji had shared.

A picture was starting to form in her head and things suddenly started to make sense a little more.

- Haerin POV -

I found it a bit odd that Minji would bring a sick student straight to her home, but the more things I noticed around her house....

The more I understood.

Minji brought Y/n straight to her guest bedroom.

It looked like the bedroom had been occupied before... or.... it was being occupied now. There was a huge dinosaur plush in the corner of the room. The bedroom bathroom appeared to have some hygiene items in it and there was a pile of dirty clothes in a basket.

When I asked Minji about Y/n's parents and tutoring, she immediately shut down the question...

And I was sure it wasn't just a coincidence that Y/n was in Minji's house last night to "be tutored".

"Aahhh," I thought to myself when I remembered Y/n mentioning that she barely even trusted Minji.

I took a deep breath, as I noticed Minji exit the bedroom, and followed her out.

"I think she'll be okay. Thank you for your help," Minji spoke in a soft tone.

It seemed like she was really freaked out before and now she was starting to calm down. 

It all made sense now, why she was so worried about Y/n, and why she was so attentive to where Y/n was at all times.

"You know it's against teacher ethics to house a student," I bluntly told Minji.

- Minji POV -

"You know it's against teacher ethics to house a student," Haerin suddenly told me.

My eyes went wide and my heart sank to my stomach.

I had no idea how she even knew that.

"Yes, but it is not illegal," I coldly responded... trying to keep calm.

"That is true, but you could get in trouble," Haerin sighed out.

I couldn't tell if she was genuinely concerned or if it was just another one of her games.

"How did you find out anyway?" I rolled my eyes at her.

Haerin snickered to herself and looked around the house for a bit. "I have eyes and ears. At first I thought you had the hots for your student, but now I see that you're just helping her out," She finally answered me.

I gulped out of nervousness.

Yes, now I had fallen for Y/n.... but it started off with the intention of just helping her out.

"So, what now? You're going to tell on me?" I asked.

Haerin suddenly stepped up and cupped my face. "No, I know you're doing it out of the goodness of your heart. I'm not going to send that kid back into the streets," She whispered.

I pulled my face away from her hands and walked over to make myself a cup of coffee.

"How did she get like this anyway?" Haerin walked behind me.

"I don't know," I simply answered... handing her a cup of coffee too.

"What do you mean you don't know?!" Haerin looked really shocked.

I sighed in frustration and decided to just tell her.

"I found her trying to break into a coffee shop for food on my way home from work one day. I didn't want her going to jail or to starve, so I just brought her here," I explained.

"Ever since, she's been under my care," I smiled to myself.

"Woah, you must really care for her to be smiling like that," Haerin suddenly teased.

I scoffed a bit, but nodded in agreement.

"If she is homeless, then how does she afford to pay for school?" Haerin kept on asking questions I had no answers to.

"I don't know," I sighed out.

"Scholarship maybe?" I shrugged.

Haerin raised an eyebrow at me and placed her coffee down. "You should probably learn more about her before you get even more involved," she whispered....

Before stepping up to press her lips against mine.

I was stunned for a moment. I had nowhere to go. I was just cornered.

Out of nature, I was about to kiss her back...

Until Y/n came to mind.

-  Haerin POV -

I had missed Minji so much. Her lips still tasted how I remembered and her lips were softer than ever.

I was happy to finally have her back.

"HAERIN WTF?!?" Minji suddenly pushed me off her.

I was so confused.

"I'M DATING SOMEONE. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" She aggressively wiped her lips.

My heart began to break by that action.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know," I began to apologize.

I wasn't apologizing because I felt like I disrespected her relationship, but because her actions told me that she really didn't like me anymore.

"Really. I'm sorry," I whispered a bit heartbroken.

"It's fine," Minji sighed out.

"I should've told you when you asked initially," she followed.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my cup of coffee back. I finished my coffee out of respect then grabbed my things to leave.

"Seriously though, thank you for all your help... and... I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was seeing someone," Minji said as she let me out the door.

I gave her a respectful bow then walked off to call a cab.

My thoughts were all over the place on my way home. In one hand, I was glad to have gotten one last kiss from Minji.... but on the other....

I still wanted to get her back.

I was probably way better than whoever it was that she was dating.

"Wait- I wonder...?" I started to think to myself.

"No, Minji wouldn't date a student. Plus, it looked like she really didn't know much about Y/n," I tried to rationalize with myself.








Author's Note: Would you take Haerin back if you were Minji?  >.<

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