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Minji went home immediately, while Y/n called a cab to go home.

It didn't take long before the couple found themselves at the front door.

"Why did you ask me to come home?" Y/n walked into the house a bit confused.

"We're going on vacation," Minji exhaled.

"But finals are coming up and I have a lot of work to do," Y/n answered.

"Trust me, it's for your own good!" Minji said as she threw Y/n's duffel bag at her.

- Y/N POV -

The day had just begun and it quickly turned weird. Aside from fighting with Minji in the morning, I had been offered a scholarship to something I really wanted in a very humiliating way, and now...

Minji was begging to take me on vacation.

"It'll be good for us. We've both been working so hard. I'll make sure all your professors give you an extension," Minji kept begging.

"Professor, it'll look suspicious if you're on vacation too," I tried to reason with her.

"Baby drop the honorifics. Let's just forget about everything that happened this morning. You're right about everything and I'm sorry. Please, let's just do something as a couple. Without having to hide or feel any pressure," Minji pulled me onto her lap.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and sighed.

"What's the real reason you wanna run away right now?" I lowly asked.

"I just wanted to spend time with alone," Minji pecked my lips.

"And?" I smirked.

"And... I'm scared my mother will try to find a way to hurt you...," Minji exhaled.

I took a deep breath and decided to give in.

Minji's way of trying to shield me away from her mother told me a lot.

It only seemed fair to meet her halfway.

"Alright, but if I have to repeat the semester... you're paying for it!" I teased her.

"Anything for you, my baby!" Minji suddenly flipped me onto her bed.

- Minji POV -

I was relieved to finally get Y/n to agree to go on vacation with me.

It felt a little odd to take a break from work, but it somehow felt right.

Ever since I graduated and started working, I had never gone on a real vacation. I would take weekend trips or go on mini vacations during holidays, but this was different.

"Have you ever been to Jeju?" I asked Y/n as we boarded the plane.

Y/n shook her head.

"You'll like it. I promise," I squeezed her hand a bit.

I knew that I was jeopardizing Y/n's final exams, but a part of me didn't care. I didn't mind having to pay for Y/n to retake her classes. A part of me sort of wanted to hold her back to keep her by my side a little longer.

"I'm just worried about school," Y/n shared as we sat on our seats.

"It's okay. I got your back," I rested my head on her shoulder.

It was a bit odd, but I was happy to get away from school and finally let my guard down.

As we took off, I could feel that authority Y/n was always complaining about slipping away.

"Hehe, I'm so excited!" I squealed a bit.

"I'm excited too, baby," Y/n suddenly placed her hand on my thigh.







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