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After the intense conversation they had, Y/n and Minji started watching cartoons.

Y/n started watching a cartoon she didn't usually watch, but Minji was intrigued as to why Y/n played such a show.

It wasn't a new show to Y/n, it was clear. Y/n knew the lines and some of the episodes. It was just odd that Y/n suddenly started playing the show...

Y/n was someone who watched and listened to the same things all the time. Minji knew all of Y/n's playlists... she knew all the songs... she knew all the shows... and all the clips from other shows that meant something special to Y/n.

Minji knew Y/n talked through different kinds of media...

So, Minji knew that a new show meant a new problem or a new trigger.

- Minji POV -

Y/n was falling asleep in my arms after an eventful day. Meanwhile, I was trying to figure out how she was feeling through this new show I was forced to binge all night.

Y/n wasn't much for odd cartoons, which made this new show very special...

It especially made it important when I saw what character Y/n was connected to.

"So-sorry," Y/n sleepily mumbled.

It was the 5th time she had done that. It looked like she felt bad for subjecting me to another show she really enjoyed, but I was intrigued.

"It's okay," I gently leaned over to kiss her closed eyelids.

Eyelid kisses were probably the best way for either of us to get the other to relax and go to sleep.

I didn't usually rely on the tactic, but I was really curious about the undertones of what I was watching.

After about 30 minutes, Y/n was sound asleep in my arms and I went into full research mode about wtf I was watching.

I especially went into deep research about Y/n's favorite character.

At times, I found it childish that Y/n was so elegant at communicating certain things... but she couldn't share other things...

More importantly, she couldn't talk about her past with me.

It all just came out as brattiness or childish behavior.

I had to somehow decode what the hell her problem was... But it always helped when I tried to remember what Professor Marsh told me.

Y/n just wasn't emotionally adjusted in certain criterias in life. It wasn't help her fault that she didn't know how to handle certain emotions. It wasn't something bad that she struggled a bit...

At least she gave me something to work off of.

I started diving deep into this sudden change in Y/n's lifestyle or emotions or whatever it was... and quickly found myself being tugged on my heartstrings...

"Daddy, why did you eat my fries? I bought them and they were mine, but you ate them. Yeah, you ate my fries... And I cried. But you didn't see me cry," I was looking at a video of Y/n's favorite character.

It took less than 20 seconds before tears were falling down my cheeks.

Just the first few lines made me remember the first time Y/n had what I thought was an illogical outburst on me...

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