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Minji wasn't one to try to pry too much into Y/n's business. If Y/n wanted to share something, then she would.

But this was different...

This was time-sensitive.

- Minji POV -

"Can we talk about your plans after college?" I knew bringing up this topic during breakfast wasn't the best...

But I needed to know sooner than later.

"I don't know yet," Y/n lowly answered.

"I think you do...," I sighed.

Y/n furrowed her brows at me.

"Else why would you need to go behind my back about last night," I became stern.

"I was just covering my friend's shift. It's not that serious," Y/n got up from the dining table and started walking over to her room.

"We're not done with this conversation!" I started to get agitated.

"You're not my mother!" Y/n yelled from a distance.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and rubbed my face out of stress.

"Whatever," I tried to recollect myself.

Suddenly, Y/n's bedroom door slammed shut and I saw her starting to walk out of the house.

"Where are you going?" I spoke up before she could exit the door.

"Y/n, get back in here now," I coldly ordered.

I was starting to lose my patience with Y/n and her odd behavior. One moment, everything is okay and all of a sudden... she's acting like a brat.

I watched as Y/n disobeyed my orders and stepped outside the house.

"Y/n-ssi!" I yelled in anger.

Y/n stopped in her tracks.

"I need to speak to you. Please report yourself to me this instant," I hated using my teacher demeanor on Y/n but I had no other choice.

Y/n groaned in annoyance, walked back inside, took her shoes off, and closed the door.

"I need you at a speaking distance. I'm not going to continue yelling at you," I crossed my arms.

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked up to face me.

"What's your deal? Did Haerin say something to you? Did I do something? Why are you acting this way?" My voice became softer.

"What does it matter?" Y/n sassed me.

- Y/N POV -

It's like Minji didn't get it.

"I clothe you, I feed you, I put a roof over your head, and I even educate you. I think I deserve to know what's going on with you lately," Minji had her authoritative demeanor on.

I couldn't help but scoff at her remark.

"There it goes," I snarked under my breath.

"What is it? Are you scared to ask? I'm not going to say no to whatever you want or need. You just have to talk to me," Minji's voice became softer.

Which only pissed me off more.

Minji suddenly stepped up to cup my face and I quickly pulled away from her. "You don't get it!" I angrily remarked.

"I don't get what?" Minji became agitated again.

I took a deep breath in frustration.

"I don't need anything from you," I exhaled.

"I don't understand why you're acting like this," Minji seemed as stressed as I was.

"Minji, I-"

Minji suddenly glared at me.

I tightened my jaw in frustration.

"Professor Kim," I corrected myself.

Sometimes I hated our power imbalance. I especially hated it even more now.

"I don't need you to act as a savior for me. I don't need you to offer to pay for whatever school I want to go to. I don't need you to offer to help me get into a prestigious program. I don't need you to do any of that," I clenched my fist.

"It's frankly find it very demeaning for you to act as if I can't do it myself. It makes me feel less than you. More than I already do. I would like to kindly ask you to stop acting as if I can't do anything myself. I can work for my own application fees, I can find my own way to pay for that program if I so choose to go, and I deserve my space to think about my own next steps in life. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading to school," I sternly stated before turning to exit the house.

Minji didn't say another word.

I grabbed my backpack, put on my shoes, and opened the front door...

"Oh, and stop talking to me like that. I don't like it when you treat me like a child," I said before walking out.









Author's Note: Is Y/n being reasonable? >.<

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