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Minji was relieved when she saw Sakura come to Y/n's aid. Only that feeling soon turned to jealousy.

"Oh, should we offer Y/n's FRIEND a scholarship as well?" Mrs. Kim gave Minji a knowing glance.

She had emphasized the word 'friend' to taunt Minji.

Only it didn't just upset Minji, but Haerin too.

"They're dating," Haerin coldly stepped up to correct her.

"And Sakura doesn't need a scholarship. She's the grandaughter of a wealthy Japanese businesswoman," she added.

- Minji POV -

I didn't get Haerin.

One moment she's stepping up to put my mother in her place and the other...

She's going against me.

"Oh, so Y/n surrounds herself with the wealthy?" Mother was trying to be sly.

It was her backwards way of saying that Y/n was a gold digger.

"Don't you think Minji?" Mother was trying to get my attention...

But I was too busy looking at the way that Sakura was holding Y/n's hand.

"Minji!" Mother raised her voice.

I got a bit startled and bowed at her out of instinct.

"I have to get ready for class," I tried to save my self from making Mother think that she still had power over me.

I then lifted my head back up and walked around her to enter my classroom.

- Haerin POV -

I was angry at Minji's behavior. I thought she'd be happy that her mother was trying to help Y/n gain status.

"Well, I guess I'll see you two at dinner!" Mrs. Kim rubbed my arm.

I nodded and gave her a slight bow. Mrs. Kim then began to make her way out of the campus. I took a deep breath as I watched her leave, and then angrily made my way into Minji's classroom.

"What's your problem?!" I angrily asked.

"My problem?! What the fuck your problem?!" Minji was pissed.

"What fucking part of keep Y/n out of this did you not get?!" Minji stepped up to my face.

"I was just trying to help," I coldly answered.

"Y/n doesn't need help!!" Minji's demeanor suddenly changed.

"What do you mean? The kid can barely afford a textbook!" I furrowed my brows.

Minji exhaled deeply and walked over to her desk.

"Y/n told you she didn't want to go to that program. What the hell possessed you seek my mother's help on the matter?" Minji glared at me.

"I didn't. It sort of just slipped," I avoided eye contact out of embarrassment.

"She was trying to get me to invite you to a family dinner and I wanted to change the subject. I ended up saying the first thing that came to mind," I tried to explain myself.

I wasn't looking to tell Mrs. Kim anything about Y/n. It just sort of slipped.

Mrs. Kim suddenly started to offer final aid for Y/n and a post graduation job. It sounded like such a good idea that I just agreed with her.

"We're not doing this anymore. I don't can't even tell if you're just clueless or if you're genuinely trying to push Y/n away from me," Minji started grab her things.

"What do you mean?" I asked a bit confused.

"It's means the deal is over," Minji coldly responded.

"I told you to keep Y/n's name out of your mouth. You broke the deal. I'm not sticking around for homophobic remarks and capital gains. You want to deal with my mother, you do whatever tf you want, but I'm not helping you anymore," Minji slammed a clipboard against my chest and then walked out of the classroom.

- Minji POV -

"Where are you going?!" Haerin yelled as I walked out of the room.

"Vacation!" I yelled back.

I wasn't about to stick around and see what the hell my Mother was plotting. And I sure as hell was not about to allow anyone to get to Y/n.

I walked over to the Y/n's class for the day and found her still talking to Sakura.

"Y/n-ssi!" I tried to get her attention.

Y/n and Sakura turned to look at me, before waving each other goodbye.

"Professor Kim," Y/n stepped up to bow at me.

"We need to talk about that scholarship," I tried to keep up appearances for the public.

"Okay," Y/n lowly responded.

I asked Y/n to follow me and immediately signaled her to meet me at home when no one was in sight.








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