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The rainstorm stunned everyone.

The wandering merchants and adventurers sitting outside were drenched, and looked up at the pouring rain curtain as they looked at the rain that was pouring down, and a bard with his legs crossed holding the piano and singing suddenly sang a high note. The old orc waiters covered their heads with trays and jumped under the eaves to take shelter from the rain.

The gem ran in the rain, and the gray and white flames around it danced like fluffy fur. The rain fell on it, and it made a big mist. The Snow Flame Leopard ran twice around the puddle, and then fluttered in the rain, and briskly entered the tavern, grinding gently at Susie's hand. As soon as Susie looked down at him, the big cat lay down directly to expose its belly, and with a flick of its thick tail, hooked Susie's ankles.

Susie touched it, and the feel was still refreshing: it's not really a real fur, that's good.

A lame old adventurer, who had been fishing by the ditch in the town, laughed twice when he saw this, slowly emptied the rainbow fish in the bucket back into the ditch, picked up the fishing rod, carried the empty bucket, hummed a song, and walked leisurely towards the house.

The dwarven camp inhabitants and caravan members hurriedly covered their barns and goods with tarps, and the knights of the vice-capital seized the opportunity to grab the escaped vulture, whose wings were wet and staggered to the ground, and the angry vulture pounced on his face with rain and feathers.

The smell of freshness surged through the towns and spread farther along the rain, diluting the thick fog that was gradually becoming sticky.

The water of the Foggy Star River became turbulent, the river overflowed the shallows, and the scorpiontail fry, which was born at the end of the breeding season, were confused, wondering whether they should follow their instinct and burrow into the dirt. The awakened spirits wandered in the rain, confused and feeling the thin vitality that overflowed in the mist.

It rained heavily for two days.

The travelers who remained in the town tacitly did not leave during this period, and some magicians and alchemists even collected rainwater for analysis, and the result was ordinary rain, and the rain a little far away from the town had a faint undead attribute.

Some merchants were inspired to collect a lot of rainwater, put it in a test tube, and label it "the first rain in the canyon of the eternal night". ("This is the second one.") Susie reminded. )

After this, the Fog Star River became turbulent and wide, and at the same time, the Eternal Night Canyon did not usher in the closure as expected.

The vanilla began to grow wildly.

This wonderful plant from the Duchy of Daylight has reached the time of flowering and bearing seeds, and like dandelions, when the wind blows, the seeds with velvet umbrellas float everywhere. Most of them didn't survive, but those that survived quickly took root and pulled out the vines.

...... It's just too much.

Susie originally only planted this simulated little sun around the pasture and the newly opened farmland, planting two plants in the flower beds of the Lily of the Valley neighborhood, one plant on Lion Mayor Street, and one plant in the dwarf camp. She wanted to have more, but Raphael dissuaded her.

Because of its illuminating and calming effects, many people pick these small fluffy flowers and put them in their bedrooms and libraries, but the flowers of the day-visiting herbs do not survive long after leaving the plant itself.

But now they're all over the place.

In the fields, in the pastures, in the open spaces, on the street lamps, in the springs of the towns, in the fountains of the squares. Even the street park in Tumbledown Alley grew a little longer, and the pure light element knocked over a few skeletons and caused an unexpected small explosion.

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