𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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Luke, clad entirely in black, stood in a black room adorned with delicate golden details.

The walls, elegantly and sophisticatedly decorated, were black with golden borders. The entirely black floor featured two thin golden lines guiding the main aisle. The black ceiling, slightly mirrored, allowed a reflection if one looked up.

The room was devoid of any other presence, except for Luke and a small staircase leading to a higher platform with a golden throne made of swords, standing out in stark contrast to the room's blackness.

Yet, the most attention-commanding feature was the woman seated on the throne, her long legs crossed in a particularly sensual manner. It took Luke a moment to focus, and once he discerned the figure, he involuntarily held his breath.

When their eyes met, she gracefully rose from the throne. Keira wore a golden dress, reminiscent of her birthday attire but longer and with a side slit. The cowl neck, open back, and tight top exuded elegance. Her hair was styled in an intricate braid, adorned with golden earrings and an elegant necklace. Even her shoes were golden heels, completing a look that radiated power.

With her characteristic smirk, she welcomed Luke as he approached, stopping on the platform. Almost without thinking, he knelt when he reached it. Though not entirely aware of his movements, he understood and saw what was happening, unable to control himself. The reverence seemed appropriate in front of a woman like her.

As he knelt, an irresistible pull towards her overwhelmed Luke. It was as if an invisible force compelled him to bow before her, his gaze locked on her captivating presence. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only Keira and the golden glow surrounding her.

When Luke raised his head, he noticed a glass of a thick liquid—resembling oil—in her hand, and a golden scarf around her neck. Though he was suspicious she didn't have these items moments ago, captivated by her beauty, he couldn't affirm it with certainty. Perhaps it had escaped his notice.

Suddenly, her scarf moved. It wasn't a scarf, Luke realized. It was a golden snake, coiled around her body. The sight sent a shiver down his spine, yet he couldn't tear his eyes away. The snake seemed to be an extension of her allure, adding an extra layer of mystique to the enigmatic woman before him. Did snakes have any connection to Athena? He couldn't recall at that moment. As he looked at the figure before him, he thanked the gods for even being able to remember his own name.

She descended the three steps with delicate yet confident steps, reaching him, still kneeling. The way she moved down from the platform was incredibly sensual. Luke felt dirty for feeling desire in the presence of such grandeur, but the reality was undeniable: she was irresistible.

"Rise," she demanded authoritatively when she was beneath the platform, and he quickly obeyed. He didn't want to displease her.

They were at the same height physically—she with her heels reaching his height, but despite that, something made Luke feel like he was looking up from below. The snake around her neck hissed, showing its threatening teeth, but Luke didn't care. He stood there with his mouth slightly open, gazing at the woman in front of him, unable to think of anything else but her tempting body.

With her usual relaxed and confident attitude, she extended a hand and placed it under his chin. Luke felt chills run down his body at the touch. It felt strange, as if a goddess—that's how her presence looked and felt—shouldn't touch him, a mere demigod.

With her hand still on his chin, she drew him forward, and Luke obeyed, mesmerized. She smiled at how he followed her commands.

When their eyes were at the same level and closer, she whispered in her deep voice, "Luke." The sound of his name coming from her mouth hypnotized him even more than he already felt. "Did you do what I demanded?" she asked slowly, her gray eyes piercing into his blue ones.

𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑, luke castellanWhere stories live. Discover now