I Drive at Twelve Years Old

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I sit in the office of Avalor Academy with Don next to me, the principle with his stringy grey hair is absent on the top of his head, he looks mad but went doesn't he when im in his office "Mr. L/N, do you want to explain what happened at the Museum the other day?" his voice is scratchy, he smokes about 3 cigarettes a day "um, Kent and Kenny slapped Don's sandwich out of his hand and i got mad.....so i pushed them" Don looks down at his bright red shoes "this behavior is completely unacceptable"

"but-" "no excuses...we've made to many exceptions for you, we cant take care of you anymore, you are being expelled" I look up at him "WHAT!?" he slams his fist down and my fear overcomes my rage and i still back down "speak to me again like that again....and there will be consequences" I look at Don, i want him to say something, to help me, but he just looks down avoiding my gaze.

"you will leave tomorrow, we've already contacted your family that you'll be home in a few days" i grit my teeth, i wanna punch him, but i dont.


i sit on my dorm room bed, my packed suitcase next to me, Don sits infront of me, at the same time i'm getting expelled, he's going home for a bit to be with his family for awhile "got your train ticket?" i asked Don, he nodded and looked out the window, when he did he look like he'd seen a ghost "What?" i stood up and looked out the window, it was just a raven "you good man" he didn't respond "we....we got to go, NOW!" he picks up my suitcase and his own and rushed out of the dorm.

"D-Donny? DON!?" you rush after him, he runs into the parking lot and looks around as if he has a car here, you walk up behind him, exhausted from running "dude.....how are.....you so....fast" he ignores me and rushes to over to silver ford "this one, hurry" "what do you mean? what's going on, we have to get to the train, i need to get to Seattle and it takes two days to get from here to Seattle" "were not going to Seattle" he pull out some keys and unlocks it "wha? how did you-" "no time-" a large squawk is heard in the distance "NOW" he gets in the driver seat, you can see his legs hurt, you jump up and down trying to make a discission "dude, your legs, your muscle thing......i'll drive".

I thrust Donny, and i've never seen him so concerned or scared before "its just....my dad, he'll be-" "we'll call him when we get there" i look at him as i get into the driver set "where?" "long Island"


Its been about 45 minutes, surprisingly no police man has pulled us over for a twelve year old driving a car, in fact you haven't seen anyone in a while "so.....what are we doing?" i asked Don as he looks out the window with caution "...." "Don? DON!" he flinches and looks at me "theres bigger things going on, we dont have time to talk about it-" yeah we do, theres still like 30 minutes before we get to long island, so hurry up and tell me or i'm turning us around, why are we out here?" he fidgets with his hands "it hard to explain......" he looks up and sees a serves station "stop here we can get gas and food" 

he sits there, i look at him "......do you remember what your dad said about your mum" i look at him "who, Julie?" Julie is my Step Mums name "no your real mum" "My real Mum? What does she have to do with this?" Don fidgets with his hands "your real mom......that woman.... she wasn't a woman at all. she's a goddess."

i look at him "goddess.....dude did you take some of that stoner kids weed or something?" he shakes his head and speaks again "A goddess. Y/N... [clears throat] ...the stories... that I and the school have told you about Greek gods and heroes and monsters, they are real. In those stories, I have told you about how gods and mortals would sometimes have children together...children called demigods......and sometimes they are known as half-bloods."

"dude, how much of that weed did you smoke" he cringes and gets out of the car "Don, wait! That's what the monster called me. Don, what's happening?" i get out of the car and walk up next to him, he's trying to fill the cars tank as fast as he can "You are a half-blood. and half-bloods are not safe in the world. Once they reach a certain age and they begin... to understand what they are, terrible forces are drawn to them, driven to harm them before they can become strong enough to fight back." 

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