Welcome to Camp Half-Blood!

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(They characters are gonna be combos of the books and the disney+ show, like designs (Echidna, Clarissa, etc) also Annabeth and Luke relationship is like the disney+ show, aka Annabeth doesn't like Luke)

i had weird dreams full of barnyard animals, most of them wanted to kill me. the rest wanted food. i must've woken up several times, but what i heard and saw made no sense, so I just passed out again, i remember lying in a soft bed, being spoon-fed something that tasted like buttered popcorn, only it was pudding.

the girl, Annabeth, with curly blonde hair hovered over me, smirking as she scraped drips of the pudding off my chin with the spoon. when she saw my eyes flicker open, she put down the pudding cup and look into my eyes, her eyes were a really pretty gray colour "what will happen on the Summer Solstice?". i thought for a moment, 'Don's package.......Donny', i suddenly remember Donny, his lifeless corpse in my arms, tears prick the ends of my eyes.

"What's going on? What was stolen? We've only got  a few weeks!" i look at her, i dont have the energy to cry fully, i dont have the energy to be angry either, i just lay there, to shocked by the memories to speak anymore and i fall back to sleep.

Annabeth's POV:

I grunt angrily as i look at the sleeping (H/C) boy, tears slide down his face as he lays there. I feel bad, his satyr died in his arms, but such is the life of a half-blood i guess, monsters follow us every where.

i brush the hair out of his eyes and wipe the tears away, he leans into my touch '......cute, wait what did i just think' i get up and walk out of the room a close the door behind me ".....i need to get to bed" I walk towards Cabin #6

-Timeskip- Y/N's POV

the light from outside stung my eyes, my eyes were filled with sleep, i must have been asleep for a good long while. i sit up and try and take in my surroundings, the room has multiple bed, all unoccupied. I stand up and almost fall over, my legs are asleep 'Jesus, how long was i out?!' 

i look to my side and see a boy sitting their hovering over another kid, 'is.....is that Percy?' he looks like Donny, and not just because he has the same goat legs, little horns and goat ears as Donny but looks like him in a way were i could only assume their related. he looks up at me, it looks like he's been crying but gets up with a cup in his hands and sits in the chair next to my bed.

"dont strain yourself, here, drink" the boy sits me back down, I hesitate but take a sip of the drink, it takes like my dad's signature chocolate cake....my dad, i have to call him soon ".....wait i know you" i recognized him as the boy that Donny was taking to at the museum "Donny-...." We both recoil from the name, this boy must know him too because tears start to fall from his eyes.

he wipes them away ".....um, my name is Grover, Grover Underwood" Underwood, thats Donny's last name ".....Are you?" "Donny's brother? yeah i am" i fell tears slide down my own cheeks, we dont know each other but we feel a similar pain right now "...I'm so sorry....i couldn't protect him" he looks at me "it wasn't your job to protect him, it was his job to protect you and he did just that, and you can't blame yourself, there was nothing you could do....."

I stand up and wipe all the tears from my eyes "y-you shouldn't-" I put my hand infront of him "I'm....f-fine" I start to make my way towards the door, i hear the loud chatter of other voices in the distance, once i leave what i think is the infirmary, i look to the source of the voices and see a large group of kids my age and older ride canoes and play volleyball all in orange t-shirts that say 'camp-half blood' I look away from the kids and see others ride horses with wings, pegasi '.....did i smoke some of that stoner kids weed?' I look in a third direction and see two men across from each other at a card table and Annabeth leaning on the porch rail next to them.

Percy Jackson and the Child of Victory (Annabeth Chase x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now