I Play Dodge Ball With Cannibals

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Y/N's POV:

Me and Annie have been getting closer and closer with each passing month. but unfortunately shit went down at camp and we need to get back. we're here at Percy's new school to take him to camp to help out, Annie is invisible and I'm on the roof, I see thru the glass part of the roof and see Percy, he's next to same other kid, must be a new friend, he's very tall. I watch as Percy and his new friend get picked on and eventually Percy gets a ball pegged at his stomach. Percy sat down hard in the middle of the gym floor. The other team exploded in laughter.

I feel my anger swell but I hold back "Percy, duck!" The boy yelled and he rolled as another dodgeball whistled past his ear at the speed of sound. "Hey!" Percy yelled at the other team. "You could kill somebody!"

"I hope so, Perseus Jackson! I hope so!" I felt my skin crawl when he said that, no one called him that except people who knew his true identity. Friends ... and enemies.


All around, others were growing in size. They were no longer kids. They were eight-foot-tall giants with wild eyes, pointy teeth, and hairy arms tattooed with snakes and hula women and Valentine hearts.

Surprisingly, the main bully dropped his ball. "Whoa! You're not from Detroit! Who ..." The other kids on his team started screaming and backing toward the exit, but one of the  giants threw a ball with deadly accuracy. It streaked past them just as he was about to leave and hit the door, slamming it shut like magic.  the other kids banged on it desperately but it wouldn't budge.

Annie called me on the walkie talkie I had in my pocket "Can you help them out, Birdie? i'll help Percy" "sure thing, Wise Girl" I leaped into the air and unclasp my spear. when I land at the closed door I hear the despite cries of the kids inside, I took a jab in the dark and plunged thru the door (I didn't hit anyone, thank god)

I here them all back up and I tear open the shed door with my spear, once I make an opening big enough I don't even get to talk because they all start piling out of the gym. they were all saying "There a kid in there with a Molotov cocktail" That's the problem with mortals. A magical force called the Mist obscures the true appearance of monsters and gods from their vision, so mortals tend to see only what they can understand. Maybe the coach saw a few eighth graders pounding the younger kids like usual. Maybe the other kids saw the bully's thugs getting ready to toss Molotov cock-tails around. At any rate, I was pretty sure nobody else realized we were dealing with genuine man-eating bloodthirsty monsters.

I walk in and see that other kid, who I heard Percy call Tyson, catching the balls being throw by the Giants, who is this kid? He sent them hurtling back toward their surprised owners, who screamed, "BAAAAAD!" as the bronze spheres exploded against their chests.

The giants disintegrated in twin columns of flame—a sure sign they were monsters, all right. Monsters don't die. They just dissipate into smoke and dust, which saves heroes a lot of trouble cleaning up after a fight.

"My brothers!"  the monster wailed. He flexed his muscles and his Babycakes tattoo rippled. "You will pay for their destruction!" "Tyson!" Percy said. "Look out!" Another comet hurtled toward us. Tyson just had time to swat it aside. It flew straight over the Coach's head and landed in the bleachers with a huge KA-BOOM!

Kids (who hadn't gotten out yet) were running around screaming, trying to avoid the sizzling craters in the floor. the main bully stood petrified in the middle of the court, watching in disbelief as balls of death flew around him. the Coach still wasn't seeing anything. He tapped his hearing aid like the explosions were giving him interference, but he kept his eyes on his magazine.

"Victory will be ours!" roared the monster. "We will feast on your bones!" I wanted to tell him he was taking the dodgeball game way too seriously, but before I could, he hefted another ball. The other three giants followed his lead.

Tyson couldn't deflect all those balls at once. His hands had to be seriously burned, Percy ran towards the locker room, I saw he was wearing shorts, He doesn't have Riptide. as he ran, Tyson had batted two of the balls back toward their owners and blasted them to ashes.

That left two giants still standing.

A third ball hurtled straight at Percy. I almost ran to help but he dodged, as he want in, I leaped into the air and flew upwards, raised my spear and plunged it into one of the giants heads. But the last giant, who had wisely held on to his own ball, waiting for an opportunity. He threw just as Tyson was turning to face him.

"No!" Percy yelled. The ball caught Tyson square in the chest. He slid the length of the court and slammed into the back wall, which cracked and partially crumbled on top of him, making a hole right onto Church Street. I didn't see how Tyson could still be alive, but he only looked dazed. The bronze ball was smoking at his feet. Tyson tried to pick it up, but he fell back, stunned, into a pile of cinder blocks.

"Well!" Joe Bob gloated. "I'm the last one standing! I'll have enough meat to bring Babycakes a doggie bag!" I raised my spear to him as he picked up another ball and aimed it at Tyson.

"Stop!" Percy yelled, he looked at me, but he had no time to acknowledge me "It's me you want!" The giant grinned. "You wish to die first, young hero?" I spotted Percy's jeans in a smoking heap of clothes right by the giant's feet. The giant laughed. "My lunch approaches." He raised his arm to throw. but suddenly the giant's body went rigid. His expression changed from gloating to surprise. Right where his belly button should've been, his T-shirt ripped open and he grew something like a horn—no, not a horn—the glowing tip of a blade.


The ball dropped out of his hand. The monster stared down at the knife that had just run him through from behind. He muttered, "Ow," and burst into a cloud of green flame. Standing in the smoke was my amazing friend Annie. Her face was grimy and scratched. She had a ragged backpack slung over her shoulder, her baseball cap tucked in her pocket, a bronze knife in her hand, and a wild look in her storm-gray eyes, like she'd just been chased a thousand miles by ghosts.

Percy's bully, who'd been standing there dumbfounded the whole time, finally came to his senses. He blinked at Annie. "That's the girl ... That's the girl—" Annie punched him in the nose and knocked him flat. "And you," she told him, "lay off my friend." I felt heat rise into my cheeks, she was so pretty.

The gym was in flames. Kids were still running around screaming. I heard sirens wailing and a garbled voice over the intercom. Through the glass windows of the exit doors.

"Annabeth ..." Percy stammered. "How did you ... how long have you ..." "Pretty much all morning." She sheathed her bronze knife. "I've been trying to find a good time to talk to you, but you were never alone." Its true we had been hear all day, I have just had to be hiding on roof's

"The shadow I saw this morning—that was—"Oh my gods, you were looking in my bed-room window?" "There's no time to explain!" she snapped, though she looked a little red-faced, I also turned red. "I just didn't want to —"

"There!" a woman screamed. The doors burst open and the adults came pouring in. "Meet me outside," Annie told him. "And him." She pointed to Tyson, who was still sitting dazed against the wall. Annie gave him a look of distaste that I didn't quite understand. "You'd better bring him." I remember she said that we had to get another half-blood from here as well, this must be him. make sense he just tanked a hit from a giant, he's probably a Hephaestus kid.

"What?" Percy said "No time!" she said. "Hurry!" She put on her Yankees baseball cap, which was a magic gift from her mom, and instantly vanished, and I leaped into the air and flew into back outside and into the alley.

(1469 words)

Really quick first chapter, hopefully they get longer from here but SOM is the shortest book so🤷

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