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~~~~Y/N's PΩV~~~~

MY SLEEP WAS RUDLY INTERUPTED by a yelling Hazel. 'Y/N! Wake up, Frank's in trouble!' That made me get up quicker. Me, Percy and Hazel ran into the clearing. Percy looked better, except he was carrying a tie-dyed man satchel from R.O.F.L. – definitely not his style. Riptide was in his hand. Hazel had drawn her spatha. and I had drawn my sword.

'Are you okay?' she asked. Percy turned in a circle, looking for enemies. 'Iris told us you were out here battling the basilisks by yourself, and we were, like, What? We came as fast as we could. What happened?'

'I'm not sure,' Frank admitted. Hazel crouched next to the earth. 'I sense death. Either my brother has been here or ... the basilisks are dead?' Percy stared at him in awe. 'You killed them all?' Frank swallowed.

'Nice job, Man!' I yelled and patted him on the back. 'Thanks a lot, Dad,' he grumbled, not listening to me. 'What?' I asked. 'Frank, are you okay?'

'I'll explain later,' he said. 'Right now, there's a blind man in Portland we've got to see.'


ZAGREUS KEPT MUMBLING IN MY HEAD, From that, I got the basics of his story. Gaia had promised him that in return for the gift of possessing to get his body back, he would serve her. he mumbled something about something called a 'Eidolons' no clue what that was. he also said 'I am king' a few times like it was some sort of spell. He also cursed Hera's name a few thousand times.

I could slightly see him in my mind, He had long black hair and large orange horns. he had wings like I did but they were more draconic and scaly. His finger nails were long and pointy and looked like they could cut threw me like I was butter. He also had nasty scars all over his body, about a dozen healed cuts over his face, eight across his arms, a few on his legs and on very deep one that wrapped around his neck.

I had to think for a bit to remember Zagreus's story, I don't want to get into how he was born, It's gross. Just know, He's the son of Zeus, Or Jupiter if you prefer. and for the first and probably only time, Zeus actually made him his heir.

Hera was not best pleased with this, afraid to lose her power. she ordered the titan's to tear him to bits. The titans snuck onto Olympus, creeped up behind him and ripped the son of Zeus apart. The other gods found them but they were to late and once that battle was over all that was left of him was his heart, which Zeus then turned into a potion (ew) and gave it to Semele, Dionysus's mom.

We got to the ship and we sailed north, Percy put the man satchel as far away from him as he could, but the boat was small. He couldn't believe how he'd broken down, he almost never saw Percy break down. Percy was one of the strongest people he knew. after Annabeth of course.

When he'd seen those evil centaurs and Cyclopes, it had seemed so wrong, so backwards, he couldn't blame Percy. It made me feel like shit too. Iris's medicinal tea had helped my body feel better, but my mind still hurt from the whiplash I got after Iris let go of my hand and I could hear Zagreus again.

Still, I had to concentrate on the quest. The sight of that enemy army had shown me what we were up against. It was early in the morning of 21 June, now. we had to get to Alaska, find Thanatos, locate the legion's standard and make it back to Camp Jupiter by the evening of 24 June. Four days. Meanwhile, the enemy had only a few hundred miles to march.

Percy guided the boat through the strong currents off the northern California coast. The wind was cold, but it felt good, clearing some of the confusion from his head. The hull rattled as the Pax ploughed its way north.

Percy Jackson and the Child of Victory (Annabeth Chase x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now