A Good Day For A Swell Battle! Your Up!

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~~~~~Y/N's PΩV~~~~~

I rode on Chimera's back as we charged threw Manhattan towards Yankee stadium, Chimera chewed threw multiple waves of monsters as they ran. I looked up, Yankee Stadium was in sight. But, of course, my vision went dark just as I got to the entrance.

"Huh?" I looked around the dark space "UGH! I don't have time fo-" I turned, there Infront of me stood good old uncle Kratos, with a big old dent in his skull. he didn't seem to mind. next to him was a woman, she had to many of my features for me to not know who this is "Mum, Uncle. what are you doing here"

Kratos picked me up and bear hugged me "NEPHEW!" He spun me around a bit "AH! Uncle! Air!" "Oh right, silly mortal's and their need for oxygen" He put me down, I had to take a moment to catch my breath. "Gods, I hate that!" I yelled. "Sorry"

Once I finally stood up straight, mum was looking at me all serious like. "My son, You are aware of our gifts, yes?" she asked "Uh...yeah? Bia's sword, Chimera, my strength, and my wings" she made a strange sound "No, Son, Your wings were not one of your gifts" ok, now I'm confused "B-but, the prophecy, Kratos's chariot" "The gift I gave you was not your wings, those were there from birth, you just needed the right motivation to set them free"

"Like falling out of the Arch?"


"Ok....then what is my gift from you?" she smiled, took her hand to her own wings and plucked a feather off. "you'll know when you need it most" "I need it most like now so can you stop being so fucking vague?" She smiled. but her smile faded when her image flicked, she yelped in pain "Nike!" Kartos yelled. "I'm... I'm ok"

She stood up straight "Son, we don't have long, we must get back to battling Typhon, The Feathers! use the- AH!" both Kratos and Mum faded away, I was back on top of Chimera, just outside Yankee Stadium. the Feathers? what does that mean. the ground shock again, just as violent as before "No, time, come on, Chimera"

We walked slowly into Yankee Stadium, pass the entrance and into the bleachers, in the middle of the field stood a man in a large brown cloak. Akeldama. he turned his head towards me, his face was still just as melted as it was in Styx. "Well... Hello, Godling, Welcome To Your Death" His voice made my ears ache. his face, like I said, was melted. he had two large horns pointing out of the hood, his hands were large and sharp, on his back was a large golden spiked club, the end of it had a very sharp spike.

"Took You Long Enough," he said as he took the large club off his back and picked at the spikes. "My Patience Was Running Thin" "Are we gonna fight or not?" I asked, already getting sick of his voice "Right To The Point? Good. I Don't Like Talking" 

I was about to leap for him, when I glanced up. only to see the sky had turned into a large storm, at first I thought it was Typhon, but I looked closer. the clouds looked less like clouds and more like giant pools of blood swirling in the sky. if mortals could see threw the mist and were, you know, awake. they would probably say that it looked like the red dot on Jupiter had crash landed on earth.

"Like The New Scenery? Its A Nice Pop Of Colour" "Shut up and fight us!" I jumped and flew down the stadium stairs, Chimera on my tail. I landed about 30 feet away from him, he was even more terrifying up close. I pulled off Νικητής (Nikitís) and the fight began.

"Finally!" he bellowed. "A Fight!!—" he caught Νικητής midair, I tried to pull Νικητής away but he held it tight. Chimera tried to pounce, but Akeldama knocked him back with his club. Chimera some of the bleachers and fell to their knees. he grabbed my face, squishing my face between his fingers "I Shall Destroy You First, L/N, Then The Rest Of The Mortals" Akeldama bellowed. "But...Prometheus said—" He laughed, his face contorted and twisted as he did. like some sort of fucked cartoon character. "Prometheus Is A Fool, He Took The Side Of The Gods In The First War, Kronos Has No Sympathy For Him. Now, Enough Chit Chat"

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