
The morning sun shined brightly. Bringing up a hand blocking the sun a bit as she looked up, "you'll go blind if you keep staring at the sun."

Robin glanced at her younger brother. He was only fourteen years old but he was very mature for his age.

"Aren't you supposed to heading to school?" Robin questioned instead, Bringing her hand down.

"Aren't you?" Her brother asked with a small grin on his face.

"I am on my way. You can't afford to be late again." Robin told him, crossing her arms.

"I'll move when you move." Her brother retorted and Robin sighed before she started walking.

Her brother on his bike, slowly and awkwardly riding next to her.

"What is it, James?" Robin questioned, shifting a small glance towards him.

James sighed, "Do you think they'll ever catch who murdered mom and dad?"

Robin stayed quiet for a minute before replying, "Honesty, James. I don't know, if they haven't caught mom's and dad's killer yet, they'll probably never will."

"It's been Five years! How long does it take to catch someone? I mean , last week, someone stole a package and they caught him in less than ten minutes!" James exclaimed

"That's different, James." Robin told him, stopping by the end of the side walk.

She held out her arm and stopped James from crossing the street as cars drove past them.

"The guy was stealing packages. That person was - is murdering people." Robin said, correcting herself.

James scoffed, "There's no difference, Robin. The cops are just too lazy to catch who killed our parents,"

"Face the harsh facts, Ro. Rich people pay for the law, it's there to protect the rich and not the poor." James shook his head.

"He's killing poor people, and cops don't give a shit about us and they will never catch him."

Robin turned to look at her brother, narrowing her eyes at him. "That doesn't mean you, Ben, and Gretchen have to catch him."

"Then who will!? Who's gonna give a shit about us, huh? You really think the woodsboro police is going to help us?" Jamie questioned, lowly scoffing.

"It's not Mr. Thorndale." Robin told him and James blinked, and Robin chuckled.

"What? You really think that I didn't look when the cops didn't? Trust me, I had five years. I practically stalked half the town," Robin said before sighing.

"Look, I get it okay? I want our parents killer to be caught to. I want grandma to have some closure before she dies but you and your friends can't go and break into people properties." She told him

"I swear we won't but only if you share what you know." James told her and Robin sighed.

"Fine. Now get your butt to school, and don't be late or ditch school, got it?"

James nodded, chuckling, "sure, sis."


Billy loomis leaned against the wall, his honey brown eyes scanned the crowd of students for a familiar face.

Girls giggled and greeted him as they walked by him and into the school.

Billy paid no mind to them. He wore dark blue jeans with a white t-shirt and dark brown boots.

Mystery Incorporated ¹ || Scream 1996 || Billy loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now