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The floorboards creaked underneath their weight. Flashlights in their hands, they split up and searched the house.

"Hey, we're gonna find her, and she's gonna be okay." Robin told stu, who looked at her.

"Yeah, Gretchen is a tough kid, I bet she's kicking that bastards ass right now." Billy said

Stu sighed ,"I should've kept an eye on her. She's my little sister, she's all I have, she's my only family. Our parents ignore us, and our older sister doesn't talk to us, I can't lose her."

"You won't. I promise you. " Billy told him, interlocking his hand with stu's, giving a reassuring squeeze before letting go of his hand.

"Yeah. We'll find her." Robin said before paused, turning her flashlight to the floor.

"What is it?" Stu quietly questioned , "you hear that?" Robin questioned, stepping on the floorboard, and it creaked, but it sounded differently from the rest of the floorboards.

Billy crouched down, and Robin moved back. Billy put his flashlight down, and Robin and stu shined their flashlights.

Billy felt around before he opened the floorboard, tossing aside the piece of wood.

He stuck his hand inside and found something. He grabbed it and pulled it out.

"An old book?" Robin raised an eyebrow at that.

"This place is small. There's not much here. What's that?" Ben questioned coming over.

"A book." Billy replied, "Not just a book. It's a picture book." Stu said, taking the book from Billy and opening it.

Robin and Billy stood at his side, looking down at the pictures.

"Wait, stop, look, that's a cabin." Robin pointed out

"A cabin?" Ben mumbled to himself before his eyes widened, and he rushed off somewhere before coming back with a picture frame in his hand.

"Does it look like this?" He asked, and Robin nodded.

"Maybe he took her there." Ben suggested, "but where is it?" Stu questioned

"Can I see that?" Billy asked, and ben handed it to him. Billy stared down at the picture.

"Stu, Robin, look at this, look at the trees." Billy said, and they did. 

"Wait, I remember that place. Well, I don't remember the exact location, but I remember seeing it during the party." Stu said,

"That's where my sister is." He added

"I can't remember the name of that place, I'm sorry, stu." Robin said, and Billy let out a small curse.

"I was drunk as fuck, I don't remember much either." Stu frowned before he tossed the picture frame in anger.

The glass shattered against the wall. "Dammit! I'm such a fucking failure. What kind of brother loses his baby sister?"

Tears streamed down stu's face, and he gripped his hair as he started to pace around.

"What kind of brother let's his baby sister get kidnapped? I should've walked her home. I should've made sure she was safe. I should've protected her."

Billy stopped him from pacing, "No, stu look at me." Stu looked at him, sniffling

"This is not your fault. You couldn't have known." Billy told him, and Robin nodded

"Yeah, stu. This isn't your fault." She said

"It's ours." The older teens looked at the younger ones.

Mystery Incorporated ¹ || Scream 1996 || Billy loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now