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"...why are you dressed like that? Are you going out somewhere?" James questioned.

-It was Friday, and Robin, as promised, was getting ready for her date with Randy

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It was Friday, and Robin, as promised, was getting ready for her date with Randy.

"I'm going on a date." Robin replied before turning to face her brother. "How do I look?" She questioned

James scrunched up his face , "A date? With whom? Why would anyone want to date you?"

Robin rolled her eyes ,"Randy." She simply replied

"Randy? What? What about Billy and stu? You're going to cheat on them?" James questioned

Robin raised an eyebrow, "what? I'm not dating them."

"Not yet." James told her, and Robin sighed, "Not ever." She told him

"But why, Randy?" James questioned, annoyed as he crossed his arms.

"That's my business and not yours." Robin replied as the doorbell rang, and James ran out of her room and down the stairs.

"James!" She followed after him. James unlocked the front door and swung it open.

"Listen here, you geek.. oh, it's just you." It was the loomis Brothers.

"You invited me over, Samuel's." Ben said, walking into the house, bumping shoulders with James.

"Why are you dressed like that? Are you going out? It's dangerous with a mass serial killer running around chopping up people." Billy walked into the house, eyeing Robin's outfit.

"She's going on a date," James spoke up, "with Randy."

Billy blinked, "Is that a joke? I can't tell if it's a joke or not."

"It's not a joke. I am going on a date with Randy." Robin told him, and Billy scoffed ,"Seriously?"

She nodded ,"Very."

"But why? Why him? Again, why?" Billy questioned in complete disbelief

"I would also like to know why?" Ben piped up with a small smirk watching as his brother brewed in complete anger and jealousy.

"Why not? What do you guys have against Randy? The guy is literally a gentleman." Robin said, and Billy rolled his eyes.

"A gentleman? Ha, he's a jerk, an absolute jerk." Billy told her, rolling his eyes.

The front door opened, and Gretchen walked in, followed by stu.

"What's going in here?" Stu questioned, sensing that Billy was pissed about something. He looked seconds away from murdering someone.

Gretchen went over to the couch where Ben was with James.

"She's going on a date with Randy. " Billy told him and stu laughed before frowning, "You serious?"

"Yes." Robin nodded and stu titled his head like an adorable confused puppy. "But why?"

"Why is this such a big deal? It's just one date." She told them, empathizing the words one date.

"One date will turn into many dates, the you two will become boyfriend and girlfriend, get married and have kids." Ben spoke up, laughing as Billy threw him a glare.

The doorbell rang, and Robin quickly went over before Billy could. She shoved him back and gave him a pointed look before she opened the door.

She smiled ,"Hi, Randy."

Randy nervously laughed as he saw Billy and stu glaring at him.

"Hey, Robin, ready to go?" Randy questioned, and Robin nodded.

"Yep!" She turned around and smiled at Billy and stu.

"Sorry, gotta go. If you guys get hungry, there's money on the counter, order pizza, or something." She said before leaving, closing the door behind her and practically dragging Randy with her to his car.


Billy and stu were, of course, spying on them. They were jealous. As far as they know, Randy didn't like Robin in that way.

They were at the movie theater watching some horror movie.

While Billy and stu were brewing with jealousy. Robin sighed, "So, why a date?" She questioned

Randy chuckled, "To piss off Billy and stu. Man, you should've seen their faces, God, they were so jealous."

"Jealous?" Robin questioned, and Randy raised an eyebrow, "Seriously? You don't see it? They're in love with you."

Robin blushed ,"So, you asked me out to make them jealous?"

Randy hummed, nodding his head. "Yep, and it worked. They followed us here."

Robin's eyes widened, "Seriously?" Randy nodded once more. "Yep."

"Oh god."


While the older teens were away, the younger teens were at James house. They had ordered pizza and were watching a movie.

The house phone rang, and Gretchen stood up ,"I'll get it."

"Fifty bucks, it's my sister saying Billy killed Randy." James said, and Ben chuckled ,"100 since Billy's my brother."

Gretchen shook her head, chuckling, and she picked up the phone.




Word count - 746

Shorter chapter, but I hope you enjoy it!

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