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Billy was right. Tea does help with everything. Robin was feeling better the next day.

She woke up early and got ready for the day before she headed downstairs.



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She was surprised to see that James was already awake eating cereal, but she was more surprised to see Ben.

James stood up as he saw Robin walk in. "I want to apologize for what I said yesterday."

"It's fine. So, you and ben?" She raised an eyebrow at both of them.

"Settled our differences, and we fixed Gretchen's music box." Ben replied with a small shrug

Robin hummed ,"You two better make your apologies seem sincere, or I won't stop stu from strangling the both of you."

"Yeah, Billy threatened to cut off my , you know, and then bury me alive." Ben said, shivering as he remembered Billy's threat.

"Damm, your own brother, that must hurt." James said, fake wincing. Ben flicked him off.

"Don't worry, James. I'm sure both Billy and stu have a threat for you." Robin told him with a grin, ruffling his hair.

James let out a nervous laugh ,"well, stu did threaten to gut us like a fish last night."


Gretchen was tying her shoelaces when the sun was blocked by a shadow. She looked up and saw Ben and James.

Ben cleared his throat before holding his hand out, and Gretchen's eyes widened. It was her music box.

It wasn't broken anymore. She carefully grabbed it and slowly opened it. The music played, and she looked up at them.

Ben and James got on their knees, and people stopped to see what was happening.

"We're sorry, Gretchen!" They both said, keeping their heads low.

"It's okay, guys. You two can stand up." She told them, and both boys did.

"You're forgiving us?" James questioned, and Gretchen nodded.

"Yeah, I mean, I already did last night. It was an accident." She told them with a smile

"Plus, you two fixed it, so I forgive you both." She said

"We don't deserve you." Ben said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Mystery Incorporated ¹ || Scream 1996 || Billy loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now