v. new beginnings

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

── new beginnings

── new beginnings

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          𝖂hen Aurora awoke the next morning, she was unsurprised to find that she was one of the first up. Just like her father, Aurora rose with the sun most of the time. Everyone else was still fast asleep, snoring or curled up around things that were precious to them.

She could just about make out Luke, hand hanging off the side of the bed and mouth slightly parted, asleep opposite her and she sighed. Grabbing her workout gear, Aurora disappeared to change and find a place to run, needing the outlet before she had to continue to socialise for the rest of the day.

She knew, that as a somewhat famous singer, she should be used to talking to people but Aurora just didn't like it unless she could prepare for it. It's what got her into running. She ran so that she could play out conversations in her head and work out what she'd say to people and how she'd respond.

Aurora could also admit that it was very weird of her to do that.

After a long run, preparing how she would talk with the others in Cabin Eleven and what she would say when they asked about her, Aurora finally returned back to the cabin, ready to shower and get going with whatever the day's plan ahead was.

"Was wondering where you'd got to." Aurora froze, her back to whoever was speaking before looking over her shoulder at Luke. He was dressed exactly the same as the day before, making Aurora wonder if they had a laundry place here, his hands stuffed deep into his pocket. "Nearly had to call Chiron and tell him you were missing."

"Is it normal for you to take this much of an interest in everyone?" Aurora cocked an eyebrow. Surely this wasn't normal. Who had that much spare time? There were loads of campers so did he just spend this amount of time with everyone? Did he ever get any work done at all?

"Yes. I've got to get you accustomed to camp, to all of it." Luke replied. 

"Chiron's given me a tour."

"Ah, but he hasn't told you the actual demigod experience, apart from the whole nightmares, daydreams, ADHD, dyslexia." He grinned slightly as Aurora's eyebrow cocked. "He's just given you the whole 'demigods just process reality different than humans do' speech."

"It sounds like this is a speech you make pretty regularly. I don't need it, I promise." Aurora crossed her heart, grabbing her laptop bag and deciding that she still, really didn't want to speak to people and be an outcast, so she was going to go and hide in a room in the Big House again. "I am completely fine."

"Oh no." Luke reached out, grabbing the back of her rucksack and pulling her to a stop. "You said normal, right? Normal means you can't keep running off. You're a normal demigod, just like everyone else."

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