vii. archery

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

── archery

── archery

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          𝕿he forges were the first stop. They were the closest and the farthest away from where the Ares cabin was.

"I don't want you to have your head on a platter before being claimed." Luke pointed out, handing her a rather unflattering apron and goggles. "So, we'll just avoid them and you can try out everything else, yeah?"

"Why is everything in this camp so ugly?" Aurora muttered, pulling the gloves on with a scowl.

"They're protective gear, you're not walking a runway."

"I'd still rather be caught dead than in this." Luke continued to steer her into the forges as Aurora scowled. "Oh god, I look horrible."

She had caught a glimpse of herself in a reflective bit of metal, wincing as she saw how badly the apron sat on her body and how weird the glasses looked.

"Can't we just assume I'm not a child of Hephaestus and be done with it?" Aurora pleaded with the son of Hermes, but he shook his head. "Look, Luke, I know I've been bruising your ego, but this is mean, please. Come on!"

"You're being dramatic." Luke pointed out to her, an amused grin playing on his lips as the girl moaned and whined until she was handed a hammer and a pair of tongs. He chuckled at the look on her face, causing Aurora to scowl once more as the technique was demonstrated to her.

"Nice and easy." The instructor explained as Aurora copied the motions, following the movement. Luke watched on, leaning back against the work bench as the other teenager corrected her form and explained it more. "There you go, alright."

Cocking an eyebrow at the boy, Luke sighed as he saw the man shake his head. So, she wasn't a daughter of Hephaestus.

"Well done, you weren't too bad." The boy, Talon, explained as Aurora sighed.

"So, not a child of Hephaestus?"

"Not really. Sorry." Aurora waved him off, yanking the apron over her head and scowling as she set it down. He laughed. "Hope you get claimed soon, Aurora. Nice meeting you and you need anything making, we're the cabin to call."

"Moving on." Luke appeared, thanking the boy as he wrapped his arm around Aurora's shoulder and steered her out. "What to do next?"

"Get off of my shoulder?" Luke took the hint at her words and unwrapped his arm from her shoulder. She brushed her hair back and out of it's plait, before looking around. "When's lunch?"

"We can do food." 

"Let us take you." Mack and Chris were back from wherever they'd been hiding, wrapping their arms around Aurora's shoulders as they took her towards the pavilion. Luke huffed in annoyance, seeing the way Aurora didn't push them off and actually laughed with them, before following afterwards. 

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