xvi. the album

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

── album

── album

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          "𝕱ar be it for me to rat Aurora out..." Lee started as Aurora froze. She had her back to her brother, eating her dinner as she noted Aruna's teasing grin. "But do we think that there's a few songs on her album that seems a bit targeted."

"Now you mention it, Lee..."

"Shut up." Aurora groaned, placing her head into her hands as her siblings began to chuckle. 

"...I was thinking the same thing." Aruna nodded. "What was the line again?"


"Wasn't it..." Aurora stood up before Lee could finish his sentence and walked off, a blush marring her cheeks as they all laughed behind her.

She had returned to Camp around a week after the album had come out and had settled back into spending time with her siblings. Most of them had gone back to their schools now, but there were around seven others left in the cabin with her.

It was actually, surprisingly fun.

They were all working together. Most of them were still in high school, and everyone did roughly the same types of things so everyone helped each other out. Once that was done, in the mornings, they would spend the rest of the afternoon training and doing other fun things. Aurora had discovered she was surprisingly good at sculpting, which she hadn't even thought was a possibility.

"Hey Sunshine." Aurora froze on her walk down to the lake side. The one person she'd been avoiding, though she really hadn't wanted to, was now standing on her other side. Twisting, Aurora gulped as she looked up at Luke.

The older teenager shot her a half grin, ruffling his hair in a way that had Aurora's traitorous heart beating a little faster than it should have. He looked the same as when she had last seen him, if not better.


"It's been a while. I haven't seen you around." His eyebrows furrowed. "Congratulations on the album. It's great."

"You've listened to it?"

"Yeah, of course. We put so much time into the puzzles..." Luke smiled, trailing off as Aurora watched him. She wasn't sure what to make of that. "Hey, I just wanted to check in though. I haven't seen you at all and Mack and Chris said that you were back, but I guess we just haven't crossed paths. We should hang out some time."

"I don't think we can do that, Luke."

"What do you mean?"

"Luke, there you are!" There was another voice from the direction of the lake and the pair both twisted to see who was coming towards them. It was the girl that Luke had kissed, the one that wasn't her, the one that he was now dating. It was the reason they couldn't hand out. "Oh hi!"

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