63. "The Doom Has Befallen"

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I sighed closing the windows of the desktop, "Addy Done?" Jacob walked in rubbing his palms together I looked up, "Yeah, just wait for me outside I'll just come locking the cash counter," He nodded and left, I groaned as instead of getting locked ...

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I sighed closing the windows of the desktop, "Addy Done?" Jacob walked in rubbing his palms together I looked up, "Yeah, just wait for me outside I'll just come locking the cash counter," He nodded and left, I groaned as instead of getting locked the key stuck under the hole not moving, God! Why do these things happen to me? I'm already getting late, I tried to twist it but to no avail I huffed,

My head snapped at approaching footsteps clip-clopped on the bleached tile floors echoing in an empty cafe, my brows furrowed, Someone is here at this time...! No, someone must be walking on the streets how can you forget Addy,

Sometimes in silence, it feels like voices are coming from nearby, "Jay..." I Called still trying to pull out the stuck key in the lock, "Jay! Is someone out there?" I called out again but there was no reply, "Jay... Come here I need your help!" I huffed giving up on trying to lock the cash counter and folded my arms,

The cold air suddenly rent by the sound of breaking glass my arms laid by my sides my body froze by the sound of shatter held me frozen here accelerating my heart faster I gulped as the unsettling fear crept up, "Jay..." I called him but screw him he again made no answer and I swear to god if it is any of sick pranks I'll kill myself,

"Jacob! If you are done with breaking things then just come here," I said out loud that my voice could only be heard but once again silence answered me back It was slowly settling in me a sinking feeling but I couldn't stand here all night and... Yeah he must be in his car that's why isn't answering me and It must some cat who broke the glass,

Despite giving myself consoling answers I took hesitant steps out of the counter into the open roof section cold air gushed through me giving me chills I rubbed my hands together hearing footsteps again, must have come back to see me,

"Jacob, I need your help locking the cash counter are you—" My words died under my throat my body paralyzed on the spot the living terror sucked the very breath from me,

I opened my mouth but no scream came my crazed eyes transfixed on the body laying on the cold floor blood coating every inch of his body, "J...Jay..." My legs underneath me gave in and I slid down beside his unconscious body or... or... Might be dea... No no... "Jacob..."

I whispered my throat clogged he was lying on his stomach I reached his cold body with my shaking hands and turned him my hands jerked away, eyes bulged out and a terror-filled sob wrecked through me, multiple plunging slashes shrouding all over his face to his chest oozing red fluid, nausea hit me beholding the unfathomably deep slash over his abdomen that was outpouring crimson blood pooling around him shirt that Alice brought for him was torn leaving bit of pieces his mouth was wide open indicating his attempt to scream...

My flowed my mouth stifling the terrorized screams, his chest wasn't moving his bright face was ashen I kept on shaking my head like a mad woman, "No... No..." I kept on chanting sobbing trembling,

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