Chapter 3

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When Boy woke, he had no idea what time it was. The broom cupboard he had found the night before had no windows, so he hurried to get dressed, terrified of being late on his very first day. The robes that had been covered in ink had dried and crusted on the fabric. He was just happy that he had one clean set. Before he could do anything else, he had to fix his belongings. There was no telling which classes he had, so he had no idea what supplies he needed and what he could do without. So, for the next twenty minutes, Boy pushed his magic into each broken item (except for the ink pots) to fix them. He also turned one of his ink covered robes into a temporary knapsack. That was just one more thing that Sir had forgotten to pick up. That was fine. He should be able to find something to use later, so that he could still have his third set of robes. It wouldn't have mattered if he'd gotten four extra sets like Jamie.

Boy blinked, never having been mad at Jamie's preferential treatment before. So why now? Shaking his head, he put his ear to the door and listened for a few seconds. He didn't want anyone to know that he'd slept in the broom cupboard, or to know where his trunk was being stashed.

It was only until he could find a better place to sleep.

When he deemed the coast to be clear, he snuck out of the cupboard and shut the door with a soft snick. The common room was blessedly empty. He checked the ornate grandfather clock in the corner. It was almost six. Since breakfast began at seven, people should start coming down soon. Sitting in front of the fireplace, he settled in to wait.

At least he hadn't overslept.

It took thirty-seven minutes before the first of the Slytherins began to trickle into the common room. Within ten minutes, the rest of the house joined them.

Boy was intrigued when the Slytherins lined up according to year when they left the common room. It was militant in a way. That didn't bother Boy. It was nice to be a part of a whole, even if he was in the back by himself. They were in rows of two, and directly in front of Boy was a stocky girl and one of the guys that had laughed when they realized that Boy was left without a bed in the proper dorms. The name he'd heard was... Theo? Leo? Something like that. It made no difference as it was clear that none of his year mates wanted anything to do with him, and he didn't understand why.

What was it about him that made people instantly dislike/fear being near him? Did he really have some disease that he just didn't notice? Were Ma'am and Sir right after all?

Boy took his place in the Great Hall, which was the same exact spot he'd used the night before. He slowly worked his way through the watery porridge, waiting for the course schedules to be passed out. He had been taken off of the list for the dumb classes, and he was excited to see what he would be learning!

The schedules were handed out a little while later, starting with the seventh years who were closest to the staff table.

When the professor got about a third of the way down, he stopped, staring at the topmost page with a combination of confusion and disbelief.

There was a hint of anger too.

Boy was curious about it, but stayed silent and still.

The professor's gaze went through all of the students and finally landed on Boy. The sheer loathing was enough to reduce Boy to a shaking mass.

If those looks were anything to go off of, he thought his assessment from last night was wrong. Doing well on that test was a mistake.

Eventually, the professor made his way to the first years. He handed out the sheets of parchment without emotion, until he reached Boy.

"Take. It." Professor Snape said venomously.

Gulping, Boy reached out a trembling hand to take the page.

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