Chapter 16 - Pt.2

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"Kitten?" Lucius asked, knocking lightly on his sons' open bedroom door.

Looking up from his book, Koty smiled. It was one of the books recommended by Professor Flitwick, called 'Challenging Charms' by Sarah Sanderson. It was a fascinating book, written in 1657, just four short years after she and her sisters began practising magic. "Hi, Daddy. What's up?"

"You've received a missive from Mr. Liegalos," he replied, holding up the letter as he strode into the opulent room. He handed over the envelope and sat on the bed.

Having nothing to hide, Koty opened it and smiled. "He says that the ritual for the Dark Lord should take place in two days. Because of my fae side, Dies Reginae would be the best to enhance my power."

"Dies Reginae?" Lucius said, stroking his chin in thought. "I have never heard of Queen's Day."

"According to Mr. Leigalos, it's an ancient fae holiday that, when celebrated properly, gives fae a sort of boost. He says it 'cleanses fae magic' and is essentially a holiday to celebrate the harvest and prosperity." Skimming the next paragraph, he nodded along in understanding.

"Queen Ceres was the first fae queen, and she claimed the day as thanks to the gods for their bounty each year. It's said that the gods were so pleased that they made the fae's magic new once more. The original name was lost to time, but the people always remembered the first queen, so they simply called it Queen's Day."

"A fascinating history, to be sure," Lucius said, doing his best to keep calm. His Lord had spent the summer holiday in one of the Malfoy vacation homes, being tended by house elves and regular visits by Severus and himself. The man was becoming predictably impatient. "In two days you say? Is there anything you require for the ritual?"

"Oh, fooey," Koty said with a sigh, skimming the parchment.

Lucius, while curious, was also amused at his son's silly vocabulary. "Is there a problem?"

"Well, I think we have pretty much everything, except for unicorn blessings and- ew, two guano infused pillar candles." Koty's nose scrunched.

"Do you know where we can get either of those things?"

"Severus will have the candles, I am sure. As for the unicorn blessing... I could make some inquiries?"

Blinking in surprise that his father did not have an immediate answer, Koty nodded. "What's a unicorn blessing? I don't think I've ever heard of it before."

"In truth, Kitten, I have no idea."

Koty frowned in thought. "I could send a couple of letters. Professor Grubblyplank might know, being the Care of Magical Creatures professor. Mr. Newt would be good too. I'll write them both, since we're a bit short on time."

"Thank you, Koty," he said, sincerity shining in his eyes. "You are doing a truly wonderful thing for the magical world."

"Will you tell me about him?" Koty asked quietly.

"The Dark Lord?" He clarified. "Very well. It began decades ago, when a young man woke on his sixteenth birthday to find his legs had morphed into a serpent tail..."

With the long overdue history lesson and letters out of the way, Koty was given some time to think on all he'd learned. He was sure that this ritual was the right way to go, not that he'd had reservations. If Sev said it was a good idea, then it was a good idea. Koty trusted his mate implicitly and would do anything to help achieve his goals. Sev would do the same had their roles been reversed, he was sure of it.

But, he would admit to himself at least, that it was nice to have a better understanding of why the ritual needed to happen. In truth, he empathised with the Dark Lord. How could he not? What those horrid people had done to him at the orphanage, it was unthinkable! To exorcise a child for talking to a snake? It was abhorrent! It was a documented fact that a lot of people died from exorcisms, rather than be aided in any way. To have it done more than once? It was a miracle the Dark Lord had lived to school age.

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