Chapter 19 - Pt.2

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The Dark Lord waited calmly and patiently, lifting his helpers off the floor and onto the furniture he'd conjured.

Severus was the first to wake. For some strange reason, he was on an unfamiliar chaise, but he was still in the ritual space. He figured it was Koty's doing and sat up. Koty was an absolute whiz when it came to transfiguration.

But Koty was still sleeping, much like Lucius, and both were on matching chaises.

Before Severus could decide to wake them, both Malfoys began to stir.

"I have come to a decision."

"My Lord?" Severus wondered what the man had in store.

Koty yawned widely and scrubbed the grit from his eyes.
"Hi, Sev. Hi, Daddy." He blinked sleepily for a few seconds. "Oh, er, hi... Mr... Dark...Lord." It sounded dumb even to himself, but what was he supposed to call the man? He briefly considered calling the man 'my Lord' like the others, but something inside him crushed that thought before it could even fully form. This man was not his Lord, and never would be.

Lucius, who was just barely coherent enough to realise what his son just said, fought every fibre of his being to keep from whisking his son away to safety.

To the immense relief of the adults in the room, the Dark Lord only laughed. The sound was like rich, dark chocolate, melting over their senses. "Now, Littlest Malfoy, I believe we had an agreement."

Koty's brows knit. "Did we?"

"Your reward, of course," he said slowly. "While I am aware you declined, I do not believe your father agrees with your decision. We will discuss this immediately, as I am not one to leave my debts unpaid."

"But I don't need anythi-"

"Before you finish that thought," Lucius said, effectively quieting his youngest. "Would you rather another situation, similar to the one with Dame Prewett?"

Eyes wide, Koty shook his head. "Do I have to decide now? And, what kind of reward? If I'm to decide on something, I'll need to know what's available, I suppose."

"Though I doubt you will ask for it, given your family's wealth, I have access to the Slytherin vaults. Or, I could... get rid of someone you are having problems with." The Dark Lord was not a stupid man. If he had said 'kill', the boy would doubtlessly become upset. "Perhaps the use of my mind? Over the years, I have cultivated a great amount of knowledge that I could pass on to you."

Severus snorted, but poorly covered it with a cough. "Apologies, my Lord. Koty has already received one Mastery and is well on his way to several more."

Koty's cheeks went red, and his wings shivered in delight. Severus was so proud of him!

"Several?" the Dark Lord deadpanned. "In what fields?"

"Erm," Koty scratched his nose in discomfort. "I'm being apprenticed in charms and ancient runes. When I've finished one of them, I'm going to move on to transfiguration. After that... I don't know yet. Oh, and I'm taking four classes alongside my apprenticeships. Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Potions and Defence."

"With that," Sev began, a tone of pride slipping through. "I will also be instructing him on occlumency."

The Dark Lord was stunned into silence for a moment. "Even I never attempted such a strenuous schedule during my education. How is it that you've managed to become so far advanced above your peers?"

He could answer the question, but without answering the question. "I read a lot from a young age."

Lucius glanced at the mantle clock. "We should be getting downstairs. The others will be returning shortly."

I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm KittenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora