Chapter 12 - Pt.2

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"Very funny, Cissy," Uncle Sirius said, rolling his eyes. "We're the same age, which is well past the age of inheritance."

"Apparently that rule does not apply when a creature side is unlocked by someone incredibly powerful." Narcissa brandished her wand and opened Sev's door, just a crack. She gasped and pulled the door shut. Taking a moment to cover herself in spells, she opened the door once more.

Koty groaned, feeling foolish. Warming charms! Why hadn't he thought of that? Muttering under his breath, he cast half a dozen warming charms over himself and entered the room.

Eyes wide, Koty gazed at the room in wonder. Ice cicles were everywhere, the walls, the ceiling, the floors, even the bureau, and all of the incredibly sharp looking tips were pointed toward the bed.

Carefully avoiding the dangerous ice cicles, he slowly made his way to the bed housing his popsicle-d mate.

He placed his hand on the icy one of his mate and sighed in relief when he felt a pulse. Granted, that pulse was weak, but that was to be expected, given that he was essentially in a transformative coma. His gaze trailed the man slowly. There were a few subtle changes already.

The once thin lips were very slightly filled, fingers lengthened in an almost claw-like manner and his ears were beginning to point at the top.

Unable to resist, Koty reached out and touched the faintly pointed ear, his fingers ghosting gently over the icy flesh. It twitched under his fingers and he yelped, which quickly turned to laughter. So he did it again, to the same result. "He's like a puppy!"

"That, my little Kitten, is because you keep patting him like one." Narcissa said, hiding her own amusement. Having seen the twitching ear, she was tempted to try it herself, but refrained. As tiresome as it could be at times, she was a Lady, and had long-since lost out on being a 'regular' person with regular indulgences. Such is life.

"S-sorry," Koty replied, blushing deeply. The warming charms were fading and his leg was stiffening due to the intense cold. "We should l-let him s-sleep."

Also feeling the bone-deep chill, his mother nodded. "And help ourselves to some hot chocolate."

Koty beamed, having fallen in love with the drink in school. "Th-that sounds p-perfect!" His teeth began to chatter. It was definitely time to go.

As soon as they escaped the arctic chill, Koty was delighted to see Bear carrying an all too familiar brace in his jaws. "S-s-such a g-g-good-d do-d-doggy." He stuttered, unable to stop his chattering teeth.

"Frost elf cold isn't the same as regular cold, is it, bud?"

Koty looked up to see Uncle Sirius grinning.

"What's that thing?" He asked, eyeing the brace that his new nephew was struggling with.

Narcissa cupped her son's hands in her own and blew on them, trying to coax warmth back into their fingers. Ignoring her cousin's question, she directed her son to lean on Bear so she could help with the brace.

While it didn't make him feel warmer, the brace did take the majority of his pain away as soon as the lip was flipped upright.

"I knew it," Koty huffed, remembering a conversation they'd had a while ago.

"What's that, Kitten?" Narcissa asked, seeing her ordinarily cheerful son with a frown on his face.

"That I'm going to be a little runt for the rest of my life."

She and Uncle Sirius stopped. "You're still so young, sweetheart. Now, what brought this on?"

Koty bit his lip uncomfortably. "Do you remember when we talked around the... the trial? You said I would probably need a new leg brace for my birthday, because the old one should be too small by now. It still fits."

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