Chapter 8 - Pt.2

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At eleven fifty-five, the Malfoy family, which now included Severus, (as well as Koty's best friends) were gathered at the area that was designated for mass apparition. As the floo could not handle so many trips at once, Lucius had a section of the wards altered for their guests to arrive, and it was large enough that no one would appear on top of one another. They were set to arrive in two minute increments by the dozen and they had to greet the guests.

Koty couldn't imagine how many people were coming, but let his parents invite everyone. He was pretty sure that nearly all of the invitees would have much rather gone to Potter Manor for Jamie's party, rather than his own. Why wouldn't they? Jamie was the Boy-Who-Lived. He was the ultimate hero of the Wizarding world, after all. To be perfectly honest, Koty figured that no more than two dozen people would attend. And that was something that he was completely at peace with.

He just hoped that his parent's feelings wouldn't be hurt by so many guests not showing up.

Within twenty minutes, Koty was struck dumb. There were more than a hundred people, and more were still coming! How was this possible?

"The young man of the hour!" A vaguely familiar voice called out happily.

Koty turned and saw James, one of the men he'd met at the Yule Ball. He was the one that headed the MAP (A/N: Just in case you forgot like I did, it's the Masteries and Apprenticeships Program). "Hi, James!" Koty called back happily, waving.

James' moustache twitched in amusement. "And how are you fairing, Mr. Malfoy?"

"I'm absolutely brilliant!" He replied truthfully. "How are you?"

"Truly splendid," James said, gently patting his shoulder. "Moreso now that you've finally taken my advice! I received a missive from my secretary the moment your exams were marked. I knew you would do well! Now, what apprenticeship have you chosen?"

Koty beamed, recalling their conversation at the ball. "Charms is my first pick, and Runes for my second." He frowned. "I noticed something on my results that might make taking the Arithmancy apprenticeship impossible, even though I had originally decided on it, rather than Runes. There was an 'x' on my grade, something about going to the Ministry, but I haven't a clue what it means."

He hummed in thought, stroking his moustache. "Given that today is Friday, I daresay I should have an answer to that by tea time on Monday. Though, perhaps you would rather accompany me to find out what those stuffed shirts want? With your parents' permission, of course."

"I'll ask!" Koty said eagerly. He really wanted to know what that 'x' was for. "Oh! Before you go, I had hoped you might come, so I had one of the elves sneak up a little bit of that wine you like. Just go into the third tent on the left and ask for Pibble."

"That's a good lad!" James said with a smile. He clapped Koty on the shoulder and went to the aforementioned tent.

Many of the people in attendance, Koty recognized, but there were plenty he didn't. He was introduced to so many people, he thought his hand might shake right off!

By one o'clock the apparition point was re-secured, and there were nearly two hundred guests on the grounds! Two hundred! That was a far cry from the two dozen he'd anticipated.

"Many Happy Returns, my Lord."

Koty yelped, having thought that everyone had finished arriving. "Mr. Liegalos, Charles! I wasn't expecting you." There were six people, all bowed low.

"I thought you said we were invited," An angry woman hissed at Bastien.

"Oh! No, no!" He didn't want to offend these people. "I apologise. I didn't find out about the party until a few hours ago. It was all a surprise. I've met so many people today that I couldn't possibly remember them all. Please, stand."

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