Chapter 26 - Pt.2

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Yawning widely, Koty trekked to the 'study room' with Bear and the twins. Amelia and Freya would be along shortly, as their last class was in the greenhouses and took much longer to get to the study room. Luna was, of course, already inside, staring intently at the potions setup and didn't appear to notice their arrival.

"Stand back, dear brother!" George declared, his nose in the air. "I will give our poor Kitten a break and take care of transfiguring the sofa today!"

Fred snorted and backed up as requested, leaping wildly, rather than taking a simple step or two.

With oddly intense concentration, George waved his wand over the stack of broken furniture and spoke the incantation. It seemed as though both twins held their breath as the furniture reshaped, and finally breathed when a sturdy looking sofa appeared out of the mess.

It was... well, it was ugly, but as long as it held, what difference did it make? "That's great, George!" Koty encouraged the redhead with a pat on his back.

George, however, was less than pleased. "Why does it look like someone sicked up on it? I was trying for some shade of blue or green."

"That's okay," Koty said seriously. "There's nothing really wrong with your spell. The confusion with the colour was just because you hadn't firmly decided on one. I'll undo it, then you can try again. Take a second to think of the exact colour or pattern you want, then try again, alright?"

The second time George cast the spell, it was an absolute success. Gone was the ugly four seater, and in its place was a lovely velvet teal sofa that would hold six easily.

"Well done!" Koty gushed. "I knew you could do it!"

George smiled, but quickly turned around to hide his blush by digging into his satchel.

With Koty's help, the twins were able to get their homework done in record time. He'd been tutoring them for quite some time now, and their grades were still steadily improving. They had hung around EE's, but there were several O's in their gradebooks now.

"Kitten!" George eventually exclaimed, taking something out of his bag as he tucked his books away. "Come look at this! If it keeps up, Auntie Muriel is going to force us to work in the Ministry like dad!"

Brows knit, Koty accepted the scroll of parchment. At the top, there was a note written in familiar red ink.

I was willing to let your first year's grades slide as an adjustment period, as they picked up in your second year, but my extraordinary patience has run out. This is the only level I will accept from you from now on. Anything less will be marked as an immediate fail, as I now know you have the proper understanding of the subject to become a highly accomplished brewer. Keep up the excellent work. You have no choice.

Laughing uproariously, Koty handed back the boy's homework. It was one that they'd worked on just last week. The strengthening solution was a bit tricky to make, as Griffin claws were a nightmare to crush into powder.

Later that day, rumours were flying about the latest nonsense from Professor Trelawney. Apparently this time, there was going to be a monster rampaging the school, killing and injuring students right and left. She swore she knew the culprit, but refused to tell them who was behind it.

Koty had simply scoffed at the woman's rubbish, once more thrilled that he had decided against taking the ridiculous class. Even if something horrible were to happen, which was doubtful, then why would she hide the culprit? It just didn't make any kind of sense.

Either way, the days continued, and pretty soon, Penny and Olive were being escorted into the Entrance Hall by their parents.

"You're back!" Koty squealed, abruptly changing direction to run to his friends. As soon as they had him wrapped up in a double hug, he felt the tension he hadn't noticed previously bleed away.

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