Chapter 10

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Boy cautiously stepped toward the grate and took a pinch of floo powder. He'd never done this by himself before, and was worried. There were so many things that could go wrong. What if h- no. Nothing would go wrong. Steadying himself mentally, Boy took his place and threw down the powder. "Potter Manor!"
With a rush of emerald flames, he was swept away.


And spat out into one of the sitting rooms of the manor, crumpling into a heap. He crossed his fingers, desperately hoping that Bear could do as he implied.

In the few minutes of waiting, Boy was panicking. What if he couldn't get past the wards? What if he got hurt trying? What if he got splinched? What-

A hearty woof made Boy open his eyes.

Bear licked his face all over, then held still so that Boy could wrap his arm around his neck. He slowly raised his head to help Boy up.

"Let's sneak upstairs, okay?" Boy whispered. "We have to be very quiet."

Giving him another lick, Bear waited for him to lead the way.

With one hand fisted in the plushy fur and the other keeping a firm grip on his walking stick, he slowly led them toward the Hall. They made it to the second floor and hadn't run into anyone yet. Boy breathed a sigh of relief. If he could get up the next flight of stairs, he would be in the clear. The only issue was that the staircase was past their bedrooms and Sir's office. Boy held his finger to his lips and went back to holding Bear's fur. He didn't expect Bear to make noise or run off, but it comforted him nonetheless. Heart pounding frantically, he crept toward the stairs.

Third floor! He'd made it!

There was his door! He was going to get to his attic wholly unnoticed! Maybe the break wouldn't be as bad as he feared. Maybe they would just ignore him for the next couple of weeks.

As he pulled his door closed, Boy breathed a deep sigh of relief. "Alright, doggy. Go on up."

Bear plodded up the last staircase and sniffed around, getting a feel for his new temporary lodgings. He let out a low growl.

Confused, Boy limped up the stairs. "What's wrong, Bear?" He asked, patting his doggy's back.

He didn't see anything out of the ordinary. It was just as it had always been. Broken bunk beds, bare walls, nothing new.

But Bear wouldn't let him off the landing.

Before Boy could blink, Bear was pinned to the ground by chains and there was a metal muzzle on his snout! What happened?!

He gasped as Sir seemed to materialize out of nowhere.

"You weren't supposed to come back," Sir snarled, still holding onto his wand. "Did you really think that mutt would keep you safe?" He let out a cold laugh.

Boy shook his head, immediately snapping back into his mute ways.

"I've heard that you've been getting ideas at Hogwarts. Apparently you've been thinking pretty highly of yourself lately."

Eyes wide, Boy shook his head again. He wanted to beg forgiveness for whatever Sir meant, but he didn't dare.

Sir took another step.

Bear was growling low in his throat.

With a wicked grin, Sir sent an overpowered stinging hex at Bear's side, but Boy shielded him.

Crying out, Boy fell half on top of his doggy. From past experience, he knew that it would leave an angry red welt. His heart pounded rapidly as Sir drew closer still.

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