Chapter 7 - Pt.2

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"Oh, Kitten," a sing-song voice called softly.

Koty whined and pulled his blankets up over his head. It was Friday, and he had nothing to do. Why would someone try to wake him up?

For a moment or two, he thought it worked. Whoever tried to wake him up had obviously left and-


Koty yelped... and promptly rolled off the other side of the bed.

Draco's laughter was unmistakable.

There was a litany of apologies and sympathetic noises as two pairs of arms hoisted him up off the floor.

Now awake, Koty looked around and saw his parents, brother and Severus in the background.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" Narcissa asked, fussing over him.

Koty smiled at her. "I'm fine."

"I believe," Severus began. "That his only wounds are on his pride."

"And my bum." "And his bum!"

Koty and Draco looked at one another, having never said the (basically) same thing and burst out laughing. Since his mum was closest to him, he hugged her. Moving on to hug the rest of them, he had to grab Draco's sleeve to stop the blond and hug him too.

"Okay, okay!" Draco said, struggling out of the surprisingly firm grip. "Presents before breakfast! It's tradition."

Koty blinked, only partially registering why he'd been woken so... enthusiastically. "Presents for what?" He rubbed the grit from his eyes and yawned, shaking the sleep-fog away, now that his pulse returned to a normal level. "Did you say birthday? I completely forgot!" He beamed, causing the others to chuckle.

"You two are making me feel old!" Narcissa said in mock indignation. "Both twelve already? I'll be old and alone with only the elves to keep me company before I know it!"

"What about me?" Lucius asked, rolling his eyes.

"Yes, dear," she replied in a placating tone. "You'll be old as well."

Koty, Draco and Severus laughed, following the Lord and Lady of the house downstairs.

Bear trotted in front of Koty and flopped down on the floor, waiting for his human to climb on his back. (A/N: I know Koty isn't human, but according to Bear, who doesn't know the difference, Koty is his human.)

"Now, Kitten," Lucius began, absently scratching Bear's head as he spoke. "I should warn you, as you have not yet experienced a Malfoy birthday. As Draco mentioned, family presents first, then breakfast. After that, you'll need to be dressed and ready for company by twelve o'clock, on the nose, alright?"

"Company?" He wondered aloud. "Who's coming?"

"Hmmm," Narcissa tapped her chin playfully. "What people would parents invite over on their baby's birthday?"

"Good question, love," Lucius said, going along with the silliness. "A better one might be... why would parents invite people over on their child's birthday?"

Koty gently tugged on Bear's fur to get him to stop. He couldn't be saying what Koty thought he was saying. "A party? For me? Really?" He asked hopefully, biting his lip.

"I am glad that you are responsible for the little minx for the next several years, as he will have time to (Merlin willing) grow out of that pout." Severus whispered to Narcissa, melting at the adorable picture of his little mate's brilliant green doe-eyes.

Narcissa smirked and kept her hushed tone just as low. "Remind me how much you spent on his gifts again?"

Lucius picked his too-small son up, letting Bear trot down the stairs ahead of them. "Yes, a party. Yes, it is for you. And, yes, really."

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