Chapter 14

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Lucius sent an owl apologizing to both Boy and Professor Snape, rescheduling their appointment. Boy didn't mind at all. Though he was not the type to procrastinate, he would happily push off dealing with all of this stuff until way later.

It wasn't until two days later that Boy remembered something, so he closed his book and whispered to his friends. "Professor Snape said something a couple of days ago that I wanted to ask about."

Penny, Olive and Amelia looked up expectantly.

"Something about a holiday that's about... wishful thinking and chocolate? I don't think I've heard about-" He stopped when his friends started giggling. "What's funny?" He wasn't upset, just confused.

"Haven't you seen all the decorations, Kitten?" Olive asked, pointing out various pink and red hearts and flowers stuck to the walls with decorative ribbons.

Boy blushed, having thought it was something to do with spring coming soon. "What's that stuff got to do with sweets and wish-"

They burst into giggles once more.

"It's for Valentine's Day," Amelia said, snapping out of the giggle-fit. "It's the holiday of romance!"

Nose scrunched, Boy shook his head. "I don't think I'll be celebrating that. Wait, why are you two so excited about it? Olive, you don't do romance-y stuff, and Penny, does that mean you got back together with Percy?"

Amelia snorted and covered her mouth so no one would hear her laughing. It was a library, after all.

"No!" Penny said vehemently. "Poncy Weasley and I have not gotten back together!"

"And you don't have to be in a relationship to celebrate Valentine's Day." Olive rolled her eyes. "Couples will mostly just act all mushy and go out on dates and buy each other stuff. Single people have some options. They could hope that someone will give them a Valentine like a weeny, or they could give little things to their friends, or they could just ignore it completely."

"Okay," he began, still confused. "But what is a Valentine, and why do people want one?"

From there, they had a two hour long conversation about the ins and outs of the holiday. In all honesty, he thought the romance part was silly, but he liked the idea of giving his friends little trinkets just because he cared about them. That was nice. He certainly didn't want any of that kissy mushy stuff.

The only problem was that it was the day after tomorrow and he didn't have anything for anyone! That brought up another problem... was he supposed to get something for Professor Snape? They are mates...but he didn't seem to like the idea of the holiday at all.

After that, he did a bit of research on the subject and was amazed that such a horrific tale had turned into a holiday of love. It wasn't sweet or nice or loving. It was all because of a beheading! There is nothing romantic about a beheading!

Right after dinner, he sent a school owl to Switzerland with five galleons and a request for the largest assortment of chocolates possible for that amount of money. He also added a note for a special piece with specific instructions with a generous tip and an apology for ordering so close to the holiday. It was a lot of money for sweets, but as his friends told him, it was just an excuse to be a little extra nice to people.

He spent the next evening making lots of cards with hand drawn pictures and attached the little boxes of sweets to them.

The special item he'd had crafted was in a perfectly glossy black box with a red ribbon. He bit his lip and wrote a short note as neatly as possible.

Professor Snape,
Please don't set the box on fire. I gathered that you are not fond of Valentine's Day, but I did a bit of reading on the subject. As you are obviously a smart man, I thought you might find the humor in this, and it's a great excuse for sweets.
Happy Beheading Day!

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