Chapter 9 - Pt.2

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"Hello, Severus." The man, Lupin, gave a half-hearted, but warm smile. "It's been a while."

Severus sneered, which wasn't abnormal, but he seemed to hate the kindly looking man. "A decade is not long enough, dog."

Koty, shocked at the blatant hatred, looked up at his mate. "What's wrong?"

Blinking, as if forgetting that they had an audience, Severus shook his head. "Nothing, Kitten. Why don't you both go find your mother? There are plenty of ruffled feathers that need to be smoothed."

"I had no idea you had a child, Severus," Lupin said, eyes wide at the realisation.

Draco and Koty burst out laughing, while Severus shivered in revulsion. He knew what his mateship looked like, and he was not impressed by the partially reasonable assumption.

"Papa, that's not his daddy." The little girl said, tugging on his sleeve. "Their colours are wrong. The older one is a mix of yellow and indigo. The one with wings is... it's so pretty Papa! I've never seen so many colours! It's mainly yellow, but there's blue and red and lots of lavender. It's all covered in a glittery white colour." (A/N: I got the info off of a Pinterest post, but I can't get the exact site because I don't have Pinterest. Basically, Koty is child-like, optimistic, sensitive, connects with nature, loving, forgiving, caretaker, strong, passionate, hard working, artistic/creative, intelligent and gentle. The glittery white means gifted healer, one with nature and intuitiveness. White also includes purity. Let's face it, there is no purer soul lol.) "Their colours connect, kinda like you and Daddy, but different."

"Excuse me?" Lupin asked harshly, glaring daggers at Severus.

Severus rolled his eyes. "Boys, go find your parents."

Draco nodded stiffly and exited the tent with poise. Koty, however, was too worried about Severus. He clung to the older man's robe, too fearful to let him go. That other man was furious, and Koty didn't want any more violence today.

It didn't take much to understand that something was being implied about his relationship, something that drastically changed the moods of both men.

Whatever it was, it was bad. He narrowed his eyes on the stranger. "There is nothing wrong with my relationship with Sev!" His wings being bound, could not wrap around them as he wanted, so he tightened his grip, feeling the gauze slip and slide over the paste on his hands. There must have been a numbing aspect to the paste, as he felt no pain at the movement.

"Koty, as thankful as I am for your assistance," Severus began, his heated gaze never leaving Lupin. "It is not actually helpful in this particular situation."
Frowning, Koty remained silent.

"As loath as I am to explain myself to the likes of the canine species," Severus drawled with a sneer. "Nothing untoward has occurred between myself and this child. Remember Lupin, I am not the monster here."

"Papa Moony isn't a monster!" The little girl said. "He's just fuzzy!"

"Please excuse the intrusion," a cool voice said.

Their attention locked on the opening of the magically cooled tent.

"Hi, Mr. Leigalos," Koty said warily.

"My Lord," he said, inclining his head respectfully. "Is everything alright?" He scanned the situation with narrowed eyes.

"I don't know." Koty replied honestly, biting his lip. "This man is implying something about Sev and me, and whatever it is, it's upsetting Sev."

Mr. Leigalos lifted an unimpressed eyebrow at Lupin. He sniffed. "Ah. A werewolf. Tell me, werewolf, can you not scent the boy's purity?"

Lupin's brows knit, casting suspicious glances at the pair. He took a long, slow breath through his nose. "I see." His words were tense, but less harsh than before.

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