23) It's Almost Like It's a Family of Detectives

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A/N: this one is pretty short but the next one is really cute. I considered just cutting this chapter but it's kinda important lmao

-Tim POV-

After lunch, they barely saw Bruce until patrol. He and Jason had taken dinner in Nico's room, only allowing Alfred to enter. When Damian had tried to ask their dad about what happened, all he would say was, "Nico had an episode and Jason is helping him recover."

Tim had spent the rest of the day in his room, researching as much as he could about Nico. So far the only records they had of his family were about him, and the dead ones. They knew he had a 15 year old half sister named Hazel, a cousin named Percy that was most likely older, a cousin named Thalia that was younger than but also technically older than Percy??, and an Aunt named Sally. They also knew about the uncles but Tim didn't think he'd be able to find a lot based off of Z and P.

Tim began his research with Thalia since it seemed like a more unique name than Hazel, Sally, and Percy. He narrowed the search to cut out people above 25 and below 14 and to only show people born in the US, Italy, or Greece. He didn't know what he was looking for when he was looking through the files and news articles, but his eyes got caught when he saw a cold case article about how Thalia, nine year old daughter of the, now deceased, tv star Beryl Grace, disappeared in 1996 after the death of her two year old brother and was never seen again. He found an old picture and decided to follow his gut and do a facial ID scan on the footage they had access to over the last 4 years. It had taken forever, but eventually he had a few hits. One was of her with two girls and two boys a in museum. He ran a search on them, disappointed at first with the lack of information about one of the girls and the guy in the beanie, but froze at the other two's files.

Bianca DiAngelo and Percy Jackson.

He immediately began reading into them. Bianca's file was the same one that they had before, but it confirmed that Nico was not there the day she died, considering the footage was from the day before what the report assumed her death date was. However, Percy's was extremely interesting. The teen scrolled through the multiple reports of 'wrong place wrong time' and 'strange circumstances' in his file and began taking notes. He read the witness statements from some of the incidents and noticed that not only were they all slightly different, some saying he fell out of the Arch while others said he didn't, but they all were immediately made closed cases mere hours after the incidents. He was about to look into the other two when he was told that it was time for patrol.

As Tim began his walk to the cave he saw the door to Nico's room open as Bruce stepped out. He was about to ask how the boy was doing when he caught a glimpse. Nico was in the fetal position on his bed, a blanket placed around his shoulders, while Jason tried to get him to eat. He froze in place as Bruce shut the door. "Is he okay?"

Bruce's attention snapped to him in surprise, seemingly not noticing his presence before. Bruce motioned that they both continued walking before responding. "No, he's not; not right now at least. This was a really bad episode and it might be a bit before he comes back from it, but Jason is going to stay with him tonight."

Tim nodded as they reached the clock. "I've been researching his family and both Thalia and Percy have no father on their birth certificates. Thalia also had a younger brother named Jason who was reported dead when he was two, but there were never any police reports or anything about it which is strange because their mother was a mid-level celebrity."

Bruce grunted in response before saying, "see if you can find out more about their fathers and if they are Z or P."

A/N: Not much to say... Ik this was super short but it didn't fit in to the other chapters and I needed to include them searching lol

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