55) TOGA PARTY + meet the author

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A/N: I made this one shorter because its just a cute filler chapter and also because I wanted to do a meet the author at the end

-Tim POV-

Tim didn't think he had ever seen Jason more excited. The guy was literally bouncing.

"I'm not going," Nico said through the door of the bathroom.

Dick, forever trying to be supportive, just sighed and called back, "I'm sure you look great."

The other demigods had headed back to camp a few hours prior, but the senate meeting was in a 15 minutes so Nico had to get dressed and shadow travel there.

"Tt- it is not a big deal DiAngelo. I had to wear formal attire often when I was with my mother and grandfather."

The door opened and Nico came out in his black toga, glaring at the brothers. "I'm not even roman, why do I have to wear this?"

Jason immediately began to cackle, causing Nico to try to return to his bathroom, but Dick blocked his path.

"Ignore him, you look great," Dick said with a glare sent to Jason.

The second oldest calmed himself and walked up to Nico. "You look fine, it's just funny to see you look all noble and shit."

Nico gave him a blank look, "wow, that makes me feel so much better."

"I kind of get what he means. This is the most 'like a demigod' you've ever looked," Tim said, joining his brothers by the bathroom door. "You look like you're about to go to Mount Olympus."

"I just wore battle armor last time," the demigod muttered as he rolled his eyes. "Plus, even the gods don't wear this stuff."

Damian just shrugged as he joined them. "I do not see why you dislike it so much. It is very regal."

"Ah yes, because regal is what ever 14 year old wants to be seen as by his peers."

Dick just sigh. "Well there's no getting out of it. Percy said that if you were a no-show, he would send Thalia after you. I may not have met her yet, but I've heard the stories."

"Fine," Nico said with a defeated sigh. "Will better not be at this meeting."

Jason cackled again. "Oh he definitely will be." Dick smacked his arm but he just continued. "He's head councilor of the Apollo cabin so he's invited to join the Roman demigods' senate meeting— wow that was a weird sentence."

Nico laughed despite himself. "Welcome to my world. Know how hard it was to remember my cover stories for this stuff? It was like impossible, the lies were just as confusing as the truth."

"Sooooooooo," Tim said as Nico sat at his desk chair, the other brothers now sitting on the side of his bed. "I saw you and Will talking before he left."

The boy blushed as the others all 'OOOooooOO'ed. "We still aren't together."

"Buuuuuut," Dick said excitedly.

"He asked me on a date and I said yes," Nico muttered before they started cheering. "It might not even go anywhere so don't get your-"

"Oh shut up," Jason said. "He obviously likes you, so stop being so pessimistic."

Nico sighed and began twisting his ring.

Tim immediately pointed at his hand. "What's wrong? You only do that then you are worried."

"I just-" the boy hesitated. "I don't want to ruin it. He's one of my only friends outside of the Seven, Rachel, and Reyna. I don't want that to go away."

Dick smiled at their brother. "Dating a friend is awesome. Most people start dating strangers and have to start at the beginning, but you get to build on top of what you already have."

"But what if we get together and then break up. Then I loose him twice."

Tim shrugged. "Steph and I were friends who ended up dating. We broke up and it was a bit awkward at first, but we're completely fine now."

"Why did you two end up breaking up?"

"It was complicated," Tim said as he rand a hand through his hair. "We stared drifting apart and then I realized I was Bi, and it just started to not feel right. I kind of handled the break up poorly by going no contact with her afterwards, but, after I explained everything to her, we ended up becoming really close as friends."

Nico nodded, seemingly thinking over what he said before his phone buzzed. He glanced at it and let out a sigh. "Well, the meeting is about to start. I got to go." He stood from his seat but paused right before he was about to step into the shadow and looked at his brothers. "Thanks for the advise, and just being here for me."

The boy seemed almost embarrassed, but his brothers just smiled. "Always."

They watched their brother disappear into the shadow and sat for a moment in silence before Jason broke it.

"Am I the only one who is a little nervous for Will to see Nico in that?"

Tim, who already had his phone out, responded first. "Nope, I'm already texting the group chat with the demigods about not letting them be in a room alone together."

"Oh thank goodness," Dick said with a sigh. "I was afraid I was alone in thinking that."

Damian just shook his head. "He looked like a greek god and I do not trust Solace."

A/N: I thought this would be a cute chapter, plus it would be kinda funny. Also, I know that canonically they wear like t-shirts and togas, but that is way less slay so...

my meet the author I drew

✨my meet the author I drew✨

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